Chapter 4: A day with the Aftons

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You wake up slightly disoriented. You're on a couch in a house you don't recognize. You rub your eyes and it comes back to you. The fire and moving to the Aftons. It took you a while to fall asleep. This house didn't rub you right. And William was weird. A sleazy purple skinned weirdo. You still don't know why he has the purple skin.  His kids didn't inherit it at least. They also have noses and normal eyes, unlike William. You don't know why you are the only one who's noticed.

You get up and walk to the kitchen. Evan is  staring sadly at his eggs, like how he stares at everything. Someone needs to get that kid a therapist or something.

Elizabeth is holding her toast and dancing around, singing off key.
"Oh I love toast yes toast! Put it in the toaster it'll roast!! It's such an awesome thing, oh how I'd love to give it a wedding ring! It's yummy and wonderful and, uh, something that rhymes with wonderful!!"

"LIZ WILL YOU FUCKING SHUT UP!!" Michael yells. He's eating some cereal with bags under his eyes and a serious bed head. It's kind of adorable.

"Michael, stop it. Her singing isn't that bad." You say. That was a complete lie, it was awful, but you didn't want to see her so sad.

"Y/N, she's been singing about toast since 4 AM. It's 8 AM by the way." Michael says.

"Mike, what does fucking mean?" Elizabeth asks.

"It can be used in many different ways. It can be used to describe a sexual act or to display strong emotions. It is a verb or an adjective depending on how you use it. An example would be to say, "I love fucking men" Another would be "I am fucking doomed". I hope that helped" Evan says, then goes back to sadly staring at his toast.

Everyone stares at Evan for a second. You then pipe up. "Well.. uh, just don't say it, okay Liz?"

Elizabeth's eyes shine. "Fucking fuck fuck fucking fuck fuckedy fuck. I love this word! I'm gonna tell all my friends it!! Our cult can have more information!"

"What about a cult?" You ask.

Elizabeth stares you dead in the eyes. "You don't have to know. You don't want to become our next human sacrifice do you?"

"Uh.. no." You say.

"Good! I'd hate to have the police chasing me again." Elizabeth says. She then runs off to do god knows what.

"Uh... is she always like this?" You ask Michael.

"Yeah. Once I fell asleep on the couch and woke up dangling over a huge bonfire with faces of tortured souls in it and a bunch of little kids with cloaks chanting. Pretty sure it was Elizabeth considering she was the one floating in the air with glowing eyes chanting in an ancient language of demons. Anyways, my dad told me I have to show you Freddy Fazbears. He loves publicity." Michael says.

"Oh... Alright" You decide to not pry at what the fuck was with Elizabeth.

You grab some clothes your family salvaged and bring them to the bathroom to change. On your way, you walk by William wrapping presents. He turns around. "Oh, hello old sport!"

"Oh... hi... if I may ask, who are the presents for?" You ask.

William grins. "They're for Evan. We have.." He stops to count.

"4 days until the party."
Hey y'all! Sorry for the gap between chapters, i was traveling and was busy. I wrote this on a plane Iv been on for 10 HOURS. Help me.

Also I guess Elizabeth leads a cult? I don't know what I'm doing with this book. My single forever ass can't write romance.

Tysm for reading! Love y'all!

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