Natsu x Reader ~ injury

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Your P.O.V.

There was an explosion

"(Y/N)" look out!" Natsu screamed your name with a desperation you have never heard in the dragon slayers voice. Before you could register what he was screaming about you felt it. Heat on your back, shards of debris and earth slinging at you with unimaginable force. 'they got me' you thought to yourself. A seemingly easy mission. Take out an up and coming dark guild, nothing team Natsu couldn't handle. But nobody could have anticipated the ambush that was to come. The mission itself was a trap submitted but a cult of Zeref followers, and they were strong. Lucy and Happy had already been knocked unconscious, Wendy doing her best to heal them, Gray doing his best to keep her safe. Erza was hurt badly but still fighting the leader of the group with all her might. That left you and Natsu to deal with the bulk of the forces that were left. But there were too many even for Natsu, and they were too strong for the two of you to handle alone. 

A chilling coldness that engulfed your entire being is what pulled you from your thoughts. As your body hit the river it felt like a thousand knives on the surface of your skin. The water was intense, cold and stronger then you could have anticipated. The current of the river was trying to pull you down while you frantically tried your best to stay afloat. Arms thrashing wildly you felt panic begin to settle in. 

"H-help!" you pleaded that someone would get to you, but Natsus flames were already disappearing in the distance. Despite your best efforts to save yourself, the water and your injuries worked against you and you fell into unconsciousness. 

~time skip~

Natsu P.O.V.

"H-help" I heard her pleas, almost drowned out by the sounds of the river trying to pull her away and under. "(Y/N)!!!" I started running towards her. 'Of all people please not her. Don't take her from me!' the mages from the cult came into my immediate view and I was filled with a rage like never before. "Get out of my way!" My body ignited into flames so vibrant Im sure they could be seen all the way back in Magnolia. "Fire dragon iron fist!" I sent a wave of them flying. "I'll save her! Fire Dragon Roar!" a shot of fire escaped my lips, almost like a laser, taking each of the mages out one by one, making a path to the edge of the river. Then I ran, faster then I ever had before trying to find her. The flames engulfing my body taking out any of the rest of the mages who dared get close enough to try to stop me. Then I spotted her, just a few feet ahead. She was bruised and banged up but still fighting for her life, yet her movements began to slow.

"(Y/N) don't give up!" Though as if in response to my call, almost as if the world were mocking me it seemed as though she lost consciousness. Her movements stopped and she went under. Without thinking I dove in after her. 

Your P.O.V.

Pain was the first thing you felt. Your body ached as you tried to get an idea of what was going on. 'How did I get out of the river?' You tried to open your eyes but everything was blurry, and your vision was swimming. You blinked a few times to clear your foggy eyesight then tried to sit up. Pain shot through you and you let out a groan before allowing yourself to fall back onto the earth below you. "(Y/N)!" You heard his voice and turned to see Natsu rushing towards you

"W-what happen-" Before you could finish your sentence Natsu pulled you up into the tightest hug. You grimaced at the pain but it soon was replaced with the warmth of the fire dragons flesh embracing you. You hugged him back."I'm okay."

"I was just so worried about you." Natsus voice was soft and kind, and you could tell he meant what he said. 

"Natsu.." he hugged you a little tighter, and you felt warm water fall to your shoulder. "N-Natsu are you crying? Whats wrong?" He pulled away from you to flas his signature grin with a single tear streaming down his face. 

"Don't scare me like that (Y/N) okay? I couldn't go on without you, ya know?"

You saw the rest of your team come into view. Gray seemed worn out, and Erza was covered in bandages, but they all seemed to be okay.

"The idiot wouldn't shut up about it" Gray scoffed. He bent slightly and put his hands on his cheeks in a mocking way "Wendy please save her. I love her, she has to be okay!"

"Shut up popsicle!" Natsu punched Gray in the face and they immediately began butting heads. You smiled, you had seen a more vulnerable side of the wild fire mage. And even though you hadn't heard him say it, you knew it was true.

"I love you too, Natsu."

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