Thirty - Allies

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We rose early to get a head start on the flights to the lycan territory and the phoenix kingdom. Being that the kingdoms were some distance, we decided it was best to take spacecrafts rather than flying themselves. As planned, Zor, Mia and Zeek take to the direction of Mia's homeland while Axa joins Xenophon and I in our journey to the phoenix kingdom. I was certainly excited to see my human friends again as well as Thane, but I was also nervous knowing we were all trying to convince them to join a war.

As we fly through the sky, I watch out the window, admiring the scenery passing below. Axa was piloting the craft while we tried to relax in the back. I feel my nerves spiking up and I take a few deep, slow breathes in an attempt to calm down. Thankfully, my attentive mate noticed and his warm hand was on my leg, rubbing it gently.

"My love?" He asks, drawing my attention to him.


"Are you okay? I can practically smell your nervousness right now."

"I'm fine, I just hope it all goes well today. Three a lot at steak and now Earth's future is depending on us," I explain, my hand gentle rubbing my bump as if to soothe me and our baby.

"I understand, but I am positive it will all go smoothly. We will do whatever we can to save your home, my little human," he gives me a soft, comforting smile, pulling me closer to him.

"I have to tell my friends too. Lizzy, John, Bastian and Maddie might want to help us too. It is their home as much as it is mine," I say, resting my head against his large chest.

"We're here!" Axa shouts back as the ship begins to descend.

We land outside the huge stone walls as we'd done before and we exit our craft. Xen keeps his hand on my lower back as we make our way to Azar's home. Just as I was about to knock, the sound of rushing footsteps approach and in seconds Thane's face is in the doorway.

"Save me," he whispers but just seconds later his mate shoves him out of the way, her face with a bright smile on.

"Hey guys! What brings you back to the land of fire so soon?" She asks with a toothy grin. I giggle at their exchange and think of what a perfect match they were. Thane needed someone to tame him and Azar seemed to be the perfect one for the job. I let my smile settle and I take a breathe before I tell them just why we'd come.

"We have some important things we want to discuss with you, all of you," I explain. Azar and Thane's faces both look confused and concerned and they simultaneously step aside to welcome us in.

"Come in, everyone's here," Azar nods. As soon as we stepped in, Lizzy came rushing out, excited to see me again.

"Hey!" Her bright smile beams as she rushes over to hug me. I give her a tight embrace in return, enjoying the feeling of my familiar friend. When our hug ends, I step back and give her another serious look.

"We need to talk o everyone. It's really important," I say. Lizzy's smile lessens, but remains small on her face.

"I'll go get the others," Lizzy nods before she disappears into the back of Azar's home. Just a moment later, everyone joins us once more in the living room on the couches.

"What's going on?" Maddie is the first to speak up as she takes a seat on Blayze's lap. I swallow hard and look up to Xen who gives me a reassuring nod.

"As we all know, Earth has been under attack for months, but we've discovered some interesting developments on the situation. There is a resistance forming to fight off the invaders and protect what's left of Earth and the humans," I tell them.

"Even some of our kind has joined forces and we are currently searching for more to join them," Xenophon adds.

"The leader's name is King Syfus. He's a power hungry dragon king who will stop at nothing to get his way and right now he wants Earth completely under his rule," I tell them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14 ⏰

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