Chapter Twenty Five

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He'd set an unusually fast pace on the treadmill, reminiscent of the way Hannah had run through Monaco flat out, trying to clear his head. A weekend of racing was stressful enough as it was without adding all of this on top of it. He didn't regret it, he loved Hannah and he wanted to be there for her, but it was a lot to process.

He finally stopped, jumping off the treadmill and standing on the edges when his legs couldn't keep up with the pace anymore. He gasped for air trying to catch his breath.

The hand on his shoulder caught him by surprise. The music blasting in his headphones had meant he didn't hear Oscar approaching.

"You okay mate?" Oscar asked. "You look miles away."

Lando glanced around the gym, relieved to see they were alone. "I uh... Hannah's here. I picked her up last night. There's a lot going on." He explained quietly. He didn't know why he was telling Oscar this. It wasn't like he could do anything to help.

"I saw she'd cancelled her tour." Oscar commented, starting the treadmill next to the one Lando was on.

"She's a mess." Lando sighed. "I don't know what I'm doing. I don't really know if it's helping or not. Maybe I shouldn't have brought her here. She was so upset and I couldn't go there and the idea of her being there alone. I was worried she might..." he stopped.

This was the crux of the issue. He was worried she'd do something stupid if he left her alone for too long. He wasn't entirely sure exactly what he thought she might do, but it was an uneasy feeling that settled over him as soon as he walked out of the hotel room.

"That's rough mate." Oscar said quietly, jogging along on the treadmill as he listened. "Has she not got any family or anything you can call?"

"I don't actually know." Lando sighed. "She never talks about her parents and I'm a bit afraid to ask. I don't know what to do."

"I mean I don't know the half of it, and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to, but it sounds like a lot for you to take on." Oscar said slowly, a thoughtful look on his face. "I'm not saying you shouldn't, you just obviously love her mate, it's just a lot."

"Who would've thought I'd turn out to be the responsible one?" Lando joked, trying to lighten the mood.

"Well I wasn't going to bring it up but now you mention it." Oscar laughed.

"How are you feeling about the race?" Lando asked changing the subject to something a bit easier.

"Yeah good I think, cars good isn't it? We'll see what happens on Sunday."

"Yeah." Lando nodded. "I've got a good feeling about this one I think." It had been a long time coming but the car finally felt good and he'd been keeping pace with the redbulls fairly easily the last couple of races. Surely it had to be his chance to get a win soon?

"If I can do anything mate, just let me know." Oscar said as Lando got off the treadmill. "Lily's around this weekend too, I'm sure she can keep an eye on Hannah a bit if you need her too."

"Cheers, Osc." Lando shot him a grateful smile, heading for the door.

He felt so much more relaxed as he walked back to the hotel room. The combination of the endorphins from his run and chatting to Oscar had temporarily alleviated his anxiety about Hannah at least.

He was in over his head. This time last year, he'd been the one that was an absolute mess and Charlotte had been trying to convince him to get his shit together so he didn't lose everything he'd worked so hard for. He was hardly qualified to be doing the same for Hannah. But if he didn't who would?

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Where stories live. Discover now