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I took in the sight before me and i have never felt so broken. Arnold lay on the hospital bed unconscious. His once beautifully tanned skin was now a pale colour and his beautiful eyes were closed. I held Miles close to me when he started fidgeting.

"Don't worry, papa's gonna be fine." I whispered. We had been here for a full week and Arnold was finally out of the ICU, honestly, thanks to Martha and the prayers she conducted. The doctors were relentless to take care of him and i couldn't be more thank full for them. The Miguel's were no better than me. Black bags under there eyes, eyes red and puffy, sleepless nights and nightmares and the painful heartache to see their loved one in an ICU bed.

When he was finally out of the ICU, we were all relieved. Right then, i was seated in a chair near his bed. Miles was in my arms and he was a bit fidgety today. I guess he had also not gotten enough rest from the previous chaotic week. I decided to take him home and let him rest in his colt for a while before coming back in the evening.

I walked out of the room and met Michael. I explained to him why i was leaving and asked him to stay in Arnold's room for me. I hadn't left him alone since he was transferred to his own personal ward room that morning and i was grateful he accepted.

We took a cab home because the first time we came here, Blake drove us. I lay Miles down to rest as i started preparimg our lunch. If i could finish on time i could also get some rest before we left for hospital. I finished making lunch earlier than i expected and so i went to my room to have a rest after checking up on Miles. I set a timer for an hour so i could feed him. It did not take long for me to sleep due to the fatigue.

I woke up to the sound of the timer and i woke up to feed Miles. As soon as i was standing over his crib he made grabby hands.

"D-ddad-a.." He stuttured in his cute baby voice. My heart bloomed in joy. Miles was a late talker that was actually his first word. I picked him up and kissed his cheek as i praised him. He kept giggling as i did raspberries on his cheek. I carried him to the kitchen and put him on his highchair.

I warmed the food and set it on the table before i picked him up and set him on my lap.

"Ok be a good boy and eat for daddy.." I said as i picked up a small portion on his baby spoon. He gurgled and giggled, so help me i have never seen such a cute sight.

I was halfway through feeding my son when my phone rang. I went over to pick it from my room but before i could reach it, the caller ended the call. I checked to see that it was my assistant Nadia so i decided to call her back.

"Mr Jace, I thought you were busy..." She said in a sultry voice. Everyone knew Nadia was madly in love with me but everyone also knew i was gay. She was one of those people who thought you could just change someone's sexuality because you were attractive or seductive...well not me.

"Nadia, is there a reason for this call or was it to notify me of your thoughts?" I asked. She laughed with a high pitched laugh and then answered breathily.

"Oh no sir...you are so funny...i just wanted to know if you are busy tonight?" She asked. I sighed into the call.

"Nadia i have a son and a boyfriend in the hospital, so no...i will not be free tonight. Anything else?" I asked. She sighed dejected.

"I could come visit him?" She asked hopefully.

"Who? My son or my boyfriend?" I asked getting impatient with her.

"Both! I could even bring Miles' favourite ice cream! Banana!" She screeched and i put the phone away from my ear till she stopped talking.

"I dont think that's a good idea...." I trailed. She gasped.

"Why?" I rolled my eyes. She was so dramatic.

"For starters, Miles hates banana flavoured ice cream! He threw up last time...you know that! And second, only family is allowed to visit my boyfriend right now...and third, you have a boyfriend who needs your company more." I spoke calmly trying to hide my irritation. She scoffed and as fast and it started, her voice changed to a normal voice as she continued to speak.

"Whatever! But if you need someone to warm up your bed..." She started but i cut her off.

"No thank you." I said coldly and i think she got the message. She changed the topic immediately.

"Fine. I called to remind you about the meeting you set up with the investors in England, your flight is booked to leave tomorrow at nine am. The meeting is scheduled to be two days from tomorrow." She said. My eyes widened as i remembered about the investors of Price link Co. We were supposed to partner up so as to raise my stats in the business world. How could i forget such an important meeting. I was so stressed about Arnold i forgot about work. I sighed.

"Can it be postponed Nadia?" I asked. She clicked her computer on the other side before answering.

"No sir, you already rescheduled four months ago when you went on a trip to see the progresss of the Australian company. They are not willing to reschedule again unless you want to lose the deal." She spoke. I couldn't lose this deal, it was important to my business and income. I sighed. I still had to take care of Arnold. I will just explain to Michael the situation and tell him i will be back in a week or less. I bet it wouldn't take longer than five days actually.

"Ok, tell them i will be there for the meeting." I spoke into the phone.

"Ok sir, i will notify them. The meeting will be held in a conference room of your choice. I will send you the best five star restaurants available in Manchester." She said. This reminded me just why i hired Nadia, she was efficient in her work.

"Ok thank you." I said and cut the phone. I resumed feeding Miles who was now focused on playing with a loose string on my sweatshirt.

"Guess you and daddy are going to Britain love." I whispered to him. He giggled and turned to me.

"Dd-dada.."Damn was  I was glad I had him by my side.

Two updates because why not😭😭😭love yall

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