Ruri|Opal/Dazzlewing backstory are added

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Ruri Bellamy was born and raised in the rougher part of New York City after moved out of Japanese on China. Her mother walked out on her when she's 2 that her father is abusive. There are time that Ruri might get beaten and wasn't a bruise on her body. She did well in school although Ruri made a decent grades but she wasn't exactly what you would call a "model student". Ruri loved robbery, being popular and adventure. She would climb the highsest trees in Central Park to buildings in rooftop and drawing as spray painting on the wall. Of course, her father never liked the fact that she was always away from the house having fun but she never let him stop her. One night, when Ruri is walking home from the park, someone grabbed her and put a cloth on her face then passed out. She is thrown into the back of the van and taken to the lab of Krrang. She woke up in the empty cell prison that Ruri didn't know what it is or who they are but however from the base on Ruri know that she gets taken and into the huge laboratory and got tested with the mutagen called the ooze and gained the power. After that, as the krrang left she had passed away then regain her life again that are the cult people had break in without being spotted and gained her second chance of her life that Ruri wanted. She had changed and become assertive, non-vulgar, sassy and confident woman that Ruri had known and at this time she had also gained species as mutant siren. Later, she escaped the laboratory of Krrang and spend her night doing thing of a bad girl even as kidnapper and burglar. Eight years later, as Ruri had kidnapped a girl who had been rich who is heritage of her parents which got attention to Shredder and he got Ruri to be part of the foot clan and then she moved in into the foot clan hideout as Ruri already had mastered martial art skills and combat.

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