Someone's Eager

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You were warm as softness caressed you. The beating of your heart was lulling you away from worry. It wasn't quiet, but it wasn't loud either. Then something wet could be heard. Like a drop of water, yet thicker; warmer. Your pulse quickened as a shiver ran down your body, fleeting away from your bones.

"Shhh, baby, mommy is here..."

Her voice was pretty—deep enough to store any gay girl's dreams and desires; hoarse in the most delightful, cunning way. You could barely take a look around, gripping the warmth that laid beneath you—soft and embracing. Between your naked, sweaty legs there was a hat—a pretty hat. You could feel yourself integrating completely into absolute lust; your body no longer your own, but hers. You moaned deeply, almost reaching out to the empty void that was The Hat's hunger. Yet you could feel yourself feeling full; a mirrored feeling. You were full and overflowing. Wet and boiling. Enveloped, you were rendered soulless yet soulful.

In a split second, everything was lit up; you were lucid in all wide-awakeness. There you saw another Hat, watching everything carefully—transfixed. Her eyes were blown with darkness and hot intent—all-consuming.

In a flash of realization, her gaze widened, snapping out of it—seeing you. You felt her gasp, her entire being holding back—muscles tensing in all their predacious glory.

She clicked out of existence—and so did everything else.

You woke up to uneven breathing and liquid heat. A pull of soft darkness gently trying to keep you under whatever it was that you had been rutting against. The blurry light was a little too much to adjust to with ease. You craved a different kind of light—more somber. Still, your body tingled with her presence; craving something else entirely. Spiritual heat lingered inside you and all around; caressing your hot, humid skin—encasing your trembling bones; reminding you of her.

"Fuck..." you shivered, exhaling more sinfully than what you could have anticipated.

For a few seconds—or days, for all you knew—everything was static, fixating on the image of her; her eyes, her lips, her smile; Her characteristic hat.


Her voice.

Her rough voice.

Sensual in every way possible—in every language, gesture, and tone.

You shivered as the world around you became clear. As if the faucet in your forever-dreaming mind was closed and all water became still.

A room. No. A seat. A plane. You were on a plane. Right. The flight to the US.

You gulped, remembering your talk—a trip really. Blushing, you realized you had had a wet dream about her just after; like many times growing up.


You turned left to see who had called your name.

It was Daniel. You blinked. Your cousin—one of them, anyway.


Oh, right... the plane. I'm on a plane...

You had forgotten yet again.

Besides breathless, the lady's visit had left you quite disoriented; so much so that you almost didn't even recognize your cousin. Although, he was a little pale and had a very confused glint in his eye, so maybe that was it.

You wondered what he'd seen. Both of your cheeks turned tight with redness as you also wondered what he'd heard—if he had heard anything at all.

But his expression would have been different if he had heard you whining in a questionable sort of way, wouldn't it? And part of you knew—your gift knew. Daniel could feel it—feel her.

The Rose & The Hat [Rose The Hat/Female Reader Oc] [Doctor Sleep]Where stories live. Discover now