Chapter 5: Validated

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Freen's POV

When we arrived at Nam's house, there were other guests, but she assisted us first to our table. She inform us that we can already eat, so we did. After a while, the celebration began, and Nam blew out the candles on her cake.

As I stared at the cake, a wave of sadness washed over me as I remembered some memories the day before my birthday. It's the day Becky's mother passed away. I felt a pang in my chest.

Since then, I didn't want to celebrate my birthday anymore. It seemed impossible to be happy on that day after everything that happened, what my father did, and how I turned my back on my friendship with Becky.

I snapped back to the present when I heard the applause of the guests. I glanced at Becky and was puzzled by the expression on her face. It seemed like she was also remembering something as she stared at Nam's cake.

Maybe something from the past too.

Feeling the heavy emotion starting to consume me, I reach my glass and was about to drink some juice when I noticed it's empty... I noticed Becky's glass and saw it was empty too.

I excused myself to get some drinks.

As I turned around to head back to our table, something unexpected happened. Without realizing it, I bumped into Becky who was standing closely behind me. It seemed she didn't notice me either.

The collision caused the two glasses of water I was holding to spill onto both of us, dampening our clothes slightly.

"Sorry, Becky," I quickly apologized, glancing at her damp clothes.

"No need to apologize, I didn't notice you either," she replied with a apologetic smile.

"Hey, you two! What happened? " Nam chimed in, laughing at our appearance.

"Just relax are both tense" she teased, casting a playful glance at both of us.

"It's my fault Nam, I wasn't paying attention," I admitted. But Becky said the same thing.

"No, it's my fault, Nam. I was thinking about something else earlier," she apologized.

"Ah, really? You two are the same?!" Nam exclaimed with a smile, especially directing her gaze at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Before I could answer, she pulled both of us. "Let's go to my room to dry your clothes. I have a blower there... I have two, just for you two," Nam teased again, earning a chuckle from me.

Becky and I couldn't do anything but allow her to lead us into the house and into her room.

She immediately seated us on her bed and handed us two blowers.

"You stay here, okay? Don't worry about downstairs, we can handle it... even if you stay here longer, it's okay," she said winking, making me blush.

"Nam!" I scolded her, but she just laughed at my reaction.

I glanced at Becky, noticing her eye roll at Nam, though her blush was more noticeable against her fair skin.

"Hahaha... good bye," Nam said mischievously as she closed the door.

When Nam left the room, we noticed that we were sitting next to each other. We both quickly stood up and each looked for a power outlet.

We started blowing our clothes dry, but we were silent, stealing glances at each other without speaking.

I couldn't resist breaking the silence.

"It seems like more of your clothes got wet, Becky... I'm sorry," I said softly to her.

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