Chapter 8 - Divided Loyalties

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      "Please say something." Came Ahsoka's plea from their bed but Anakin said nothing, he couldn't find the words. His bare footsteps echoed softly against the hardwood floor as he paced back and forth, his movements agitated and erratic. Each step felt heavy with the weight of Ahsoka's confession, the rhythm of his pacing a desperate attempt to dispel the disbelief that coiled in the pit of his stomach.

His heart pounded in his head like the resounding thud of a tribal drum on Kashyyk. His flesh hand grew clammy with the flurry of his racing thoughts. He couldn't believe it. Ahsoka, keeping such crucial information to herself. They both knew the importance of those coordinates and what they could mean for the Republic. Anakin's pacing came to an abrupt halt, his hand instinctively reaching up to run through his hair, undoing the braid Ahsoka had started on. The silence between them stretched on, broken only by the distant rush of wind against the windows.

Anakin's mind churned with conflicting emotions, his heart torn between fury at Ahsoka's insubordination against the Council and a desperate sense of hope there was a logical reason behind her actions. On one hand, he was furious. How could she keep that to herself considering all the stuff they went through to get it? How could she defy the Council like this? But on the other hand, he knew Ahsoka better than anyone. She wouldn't act without reason, without weighing the consequences. She always had a logical explanation for her actions, even if she sometimes overestimated her abilities.

"Anakin?" She called, her voice piercing the heavy silence. The room seemed to hold its breath as he stood with his back to her. Anakin drew in his tumultuous emotions, burying them underneath a thin veil of calm before speaking.
"Why didn't you tell the council?"

"I...I thought it was best to hold onto them. After we landed on Coruscant, Tarkin insisted the Chancellor personally ordered his set of the coordinates, but Master Piell was adamant about reporting to the Council. It just didn't sit right with me to hand over both sets. So, when I faced the Council, I only gave Master Piell's half. I know I should've been honest from the start, but everything was spiraling out of control! You and Master Piell were in the hospital, the missing children and the spy...I couldn't think straight and got overwhelmed. So when I gave my report I lied."

Anakin's expression softened slightly as he listened to her confession. He understood the pressure and turmoil she was under but he couldn't shake the nagging feeling of frustration inside him. He sighed again then moved to take a seat next to her on the bed, taking a minute to collect the right words before speaking. "I understand you were overwhelmed but disobeying orders isn't the right answer Ahsoka. We have protocols in place for a reason. The council and the senate being on different sides isn't anything new."

"I know, I know, but sometimes it feels like the rules are more important than doing what's right." His shield trembled as his turmoil bubbled within him, threatening to break through its glass barrier and consume him. Her simple reasoning for disobeying orders fanned the flames to his fire.

"So keeping things from your superiors is the right thing?" He asked, irritation evident in his voice.

"No but," she groaned and shot up from the bed with her hands folded on top of her head."Keeping quiet when children are missing, then lying about it to everyone else, our friends being murdered, that isn't something that should be swept under the rug."

Anakin waved his hand, "They're trying to avoid mass panic. People are already on edge with the war raging around us. Blockades, sieges, hostage situations. Adding kidnappings to the mix would only make the situation worse."

"Ok maybe not to the public but at least tell everyone in the order. We're responsible for those kids, it's our duty to "

"Our duty?"His strained composure shattered like glass, his pent-up frustration and anger exploding into the air with an intensity that took even him by surprise. Ahsoka turned to look at him and raised an eye marking. An action that seemed to anger Anakin even more. "Our duty right now is to defend the Republic and its citizens, to stop the Separatists and win the war. At least it should be," he spat out with contempt, his voice dripping with sarcasm. He released his slipping grip on his shields, allowing his emotions to spill forth like poison; frustration, anger, betrayal, disdain. Ahsoka whirled around, her eyes narrowed as she took his words and the raw emotions they carried.

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 15 ⏰

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