Chapter 31

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Hello guys :)

Here's another chapter that I wrote right after I woke up, so it's probably messy, but I hope you enjoy it!

3 months.

That was how long Sophie had been in the Neverseen. And if she had to be honest, things couldn't have been any better. She didn't have to lead an illegal organization, didn't have to be the symbol of rebellion, and didn't have to be afraid of the constant Neverseen attacks that used to nearly kill her and her friends almost everyday. All she needed to do was train, eat, and hangout with her friends and repeat. Sophie's heart finally felt light and free, how it was supposed to feel, relieved from the pressure that once used to weigh it down.

Her new friends also had something to do with her current happiness. They made Sophie feel as if they had known each other since birth, although in reality it had only been 3 months. She appreciated all of them, especially Jewels and Neev. Having two girls who Sophie could always talk to and rely on was like having the whole world to herself.

Jewels was extremely sarcastic, always cracked everyone up with her jokes and kept conversations in light moods. Although sometimes her jokes included insulting leaders of the Neverseen including Gisela, which made certain people such as Neev and Sophie nervous. However, everyone still appreciated Jewel's humor.

Neev was quite the opposite. She was a soft girl who smiled a lot. Everything about her was lovely and sweet. What kind of magic she used to make everyone fall in love with her, Sophie wanted to know. It was impossible to hate this girl.

Thinking about her friends, Sophie smiled. She was moving in to Jewels' and Neev's dorm today. Members ranked over 4 were given a much larger room that was too big for only one elf to use. That was why Jewels and Neev shared theirs, but when Sophie got ranked as level 2 last week, the girls decided to celebrate this accomplishment by deciding to share the room together.

Sophie really didn't have much to pack. In her hands was a bag containing only her uniform and some random necessities such as her toothbrush.

"You're here!" Neev squealed as she opened the door. Sophie laughed at her adorable friend.

Footsteps echoed from the room and Jewels poked her head through the door. She frowned as she stared at the bag in Sophie's arms. "That's all you're bringing?"

Sophie shrugged, trying not to think about all her possessions still left in Havenfield. "Pretty much."

Sensing Sophie's mood shift, Neev spoke up. "Alright, come in. We cleaned the room just for you!"

"We never do that by the way." Jewels whispered as Sophie entered the room.

The area was large, a huge sofa in the middle of the room accompanied by a low coffee table. Just a little far away from it there was a large office desk probably meant for more than 3 people, on top of it was scattered paperwork.

The right side of the room was Jewels'. It included a simple bed with a small desk on the left. On the right side there was a bookshelf filled with books and other personal items. There was even a metal bar attached to the wall to hang clothes.

The area farthest away from the door was Neev's. Her bed was neatly made with a bunch of pillows on top. She had a huge closet on the left and on the right was a vanity big enough to hold at least a hundred make-up products.

Sophie's gaze landed on the right side of the room, her area. She had a bed similar to Jewels' but a bit bigger. Along the bed was a small bookshelf with a closet. On the other side was a desk full of shelves.

"Wow." Was all Sophie could say.

"You like it?" Neev asked from behind her.

Sophie had no words. She assumed that the Neverseen treated their members horribly, much less give them their own rooms when she was in the Black Swan. Her stereotypes about the Neverseen began to change overtime as she became a member and learned that the environment here wasn't actually bad at all. However, the idea that she was given an enormous area with more room that she needed along with all the furniture was enough to blow her mind.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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