Chapter 15

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This is the final part.  Thank you to everyone who read and commented.  Be on the look out for a couple of new stories coming out within the next several days.  

Over fall break Malak and Fiona meet at a Halloween party. They end up talking and hanging out until they have to go their separate ways. Fiona and Malak end up meeting again after fall break at school. How will they react to the other's secret?  A modern take on the Cinderella story.

Eros Wolf just moved back to the valley after being gone for the last six years. He quickly finds himself in the middle of several karate rivalries. Whose side will he choose? A Cobra Kai Story.


Everyone is too in shock at seeing Ryan alive, standing in front of them to notice Olivia, Rip, and Lee. "Ryan..." Dirk says in shock glancing over at Chad several times in anger who in return glares at the worker that was supposed to kill Ryan, "I thought-we all thought you were dead. What a-what a wonderful surprise." "Yeah, what a surprise" Ryan says looking suspiciously at her uncle and cousin. "I mean I'm still surprised that you came back, even after all these years" Dirk says trying to think of a plan to get rid of Ryan and a backup plan to get out if things go south, "Especially after what you did." "What-what is he talking about Ryan" Thalia asks.

Ryan bites her lip looking down at the ground in shame. "Oh haven't told them" Dirk asks in fake confusion. "I...I...I'm sorry" Ryan whispers still thinking it's her fault that her dad is dead, "It was an accident. I...I never meant..." "What happened Ryan" Thalia asks. "Of course it was an accident and who could have predicted that would happen" Dirk says taking advantage of the situation, "But don't you think it's only right to take responsibility for your actions?" "I...I..." Ryan says, "I killed Andrew...I killed my dad. I'm the reason he was killed."

"He was hit by a drunk driver" Thalia says. "Because of me" Ryan says as tears run down her face, "If I hadn't texted him, he never would have been driving, and if he hadn't been driving, he never would have gotten hit and died." "Ryan..." Thalia says pulling Ryan into a hug. "I'm so sorry mom" Ryan says, "I messed up." "As much as it pains me to say this, especially after we just got you back" Chad says stepping in trying to fix the loose end he made, "But I think after what we just found out that you should leave."

At that moment security walks in and grabs Ryan. They begin to escort Ryan out. "I'm sorry it has to be this way Ryan, you will be missed" Dirk says, relief filling him. Chad stops Ryan before she exits the room and whispers, "And this time, never return." When Chad says this, something clicks in Ryan's head. "Wait a minute" Ryan says glaring at Chad and Dirk struggling to get away from the two security guards, "You son of a-" "Get her out of here" Dirk says.

Rip and Lee jump into action. Rip punches one in the face and Lee kicks the other where the sun don't shine. Both security guards fall to the ground in pain, releasing Ryan. Ryan charges Dirk and pins him against the wall pressing his arm against his throat. "You set me up didn't you" Ryan asks, "Answer me." Rip and Lee hold Chad back while everyone looks between the five of them. "Dirk..." Ryan's grandfather says, "Is what Ryan saying true?" "Why would I kill my own brother" Dirk asks. "Because you wanted the company" Ryan says, "But me and Andrew were in the way."

"Makes sense if you think about it" Olivia says, "Some of the things that happened and the things you know don't add up." "Ryan never would have texted her dad since she was pissed at him" Rip says, "It would have been more likely for her to text her mom." "And not to mention she lost her phone" Lee says, "And what Chad just told her, triggered this." "Dirk" Ryan's grandmother says. Dirk looks around and can tell by the looks that he is getting, that the jig is up and the only way out is to fight.

"Alright, fine. I did it" Dirk says, "I set up the accident to kill Andrew and Ryan. I killed Andrew, I'm the reason he's dead." Ryan loses it and punches Andrew in the face. That's when all hell breaks loose. The employees still loyal to Dirk and Chad attack Ryan, Lee, and Rip while the ones that stayed loyal to Thalia go help Rip, Lee, and Ryan. Ryan and Dirk begin to fight it out while Rip and Lee work together to keep Chad and any of the employees that mean Ryan harm away from her while the employees loyal to Thalia help Rip and Lee with this task.

Ryan finally sees an opening after being on defense this whole time takes advantage of this and strikes, taking Dirk down. "Give it up Uncle, it's over" Ryan says. "You don't understand" Dirk says, "This isn't my fault, the employees made me. They blackmailed me and threatened to kill me just like they planned to do to Andrew if I didn't comply." Ryan looks skeptically at Dirk before she is then tackled off Dirk by Chad. "Sometimes to make sure the job is done right, you just have to do it yourself" Dirk says standing up and pulling out a gun, "You really should have listened to Chad and stayed away."

Dirk points the gun at Ryan and his arm is hit right before he shoots, making him shoot Chad instead of Ryan. Dirk looks to his right and sees an employee that is loyal to him. "What the hell are you doing" Dirk asks angrily. "So it's all our fault" the employee says, "We made you do it." "No of course not" Dirk says, "You misunderstood me." "Uh huh" the employee says as him and all the other employees that were loyal to Dirk tackle and hold him to the ground, "If we're going down, you're going down with us."

Shortly after that the police and emts arrive since Olivia called shortly after the fighting broke out. The police arrest Dirk and all the employees that helped him while the emts try to save Chad but can't since he already lost too much blood. After that day, Ryan takes her rightful place as the heir turned owner of Harper Enterprise's and works on fixing it since Dirk ran it into the ground of course with the help of Lee, Rip, her grandparents, and mother. Ryan also uses this time to reunite with her family that she hasn't seen in five years and thought that she was dead for the last five years. Dirk gets sentenced to jail for life and the family holds a funeral for Chad.

A week has passed since Chad's funeral and Ryan is currently going over paperwork when Olivia walks in. "Hey" Ryan says looking up and giving Olivia her full attention. "Wow" Olivia says, "I never thought I would see the day that Ryan Harper was running her company." "Ha ha" Ryan says. "But jokes aside" Olivia says, "I'm glad you're back and are in charge." Ryan decides to shoot her shot, "Hey, you wanna grab dinner after I'm finished up here?" Olivia just raises her eyebrow and walks over to Ryan, "Are you asking me out?" "As I recalled you said you would go on a date with me once I matured" Ryan says, "And I think I have."

"Oh, you definitely have in more ways than one" Olivia says sitting in Ryan's lap and finally giving Ryan that kiss she has been trying to get since she was twelve. "Woah..." Ryan says smiling, "So are we just skipping dinner and going straight to...ya know cuz I'm totally fine with that." Olivia just giggles running her hands through Ryan's hair, "Take me to dinner first and we will see where the night takes us." "Ok" Ryan says pulling Olivia into another kiss.

Thank you for reading.  As stated earlier, this is the final chapter.  What did you think?  I would really appreciate it if you checked out my two new stories coming out soon.  As always votes and comments are appreciated.

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