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Why the fuck do they call me that. It's insulting they are technically calling themselves it as well!!

Ugh. Baby Alfa. I'll show them who the damn baby Alfa is.

"Mr. Black I need you to sit down." the teacher was always so snappy to me. Maybe it's because I've been here longer then everyone's ever been but he understands because I am going to be the Alfa of the biggest pack here on earth.

"Sorry ma'am. I'll sit now."

"Awe the little baby Alfa dose listen to others. Haha pathetic little shit." James. He was a idiot. He was a beta his Alfa died so he took the role and is training for it till everyone is okay with the change or they find a new pack. Most don't like him so he is really just left with a small pack.

Class goes on but I barely even care. I know all of this. This is my last year here. I'm anxious to get home I don't know why but I have this feeling in me that I'm overly happy to go home.


I don't know why. I just brush it off and move on with the day. I only have a week left anyways.

Sorry this is short but it's getting good! I'm going to try to update at least once a week maybe twice but that depends on how busy I get!! Enjoy!

**ON HOLD** New bornحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن