Love at First Sight

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He shows up in 2 hours and everything is all done and waiting for him. Threw mind link I get called to see the Alfa and Luna they are apparently calling in the girls who don't have mates to the lake by the high school.

The Luna takes the microphone and clears her throat to gather the chatty girls attention.

"As you all know my son is still mate less. I assure you I will be happy if it turns out that one of you girls are the one."

The soon to retired Alfa steps up to his mate grabbing her side in a protective yet utterly loving way. He leaned in to her ear to whisper something and it made her blush a deep red. To hide the blush she turned to him and whispered something as well and he chuckled then his face turned unreadable and then embarrassed and quickly kissed her temple and left us girls alone. 

All of us girls giggle and she continues telling us the basic rules of finding our mates and about marking.

I didn't listen to it closely because I didn't believe I would ever find mine.  What rouge gets accepted and happens to find there mate.

Something about when an Alfa or beta find there mate they loose there control of another man is touching them and they attack and mark with force. Oooorrr the romantic version that I don't remember much just stuff about how losing your breath and then they end up doing something and then a kiss and then I guess it ended with leaving the crowd and marking and it you were alone she said something bout matting with in the next 3-5 days or it's considered rejection.

And that process is painful sometimes one or both of them don't survive. I mentally shake that image from my head and continue to stand there.

After the lecture we all went to our normal routine sense the Alfa will be here in 30. I get kinda antsy and really nervous. He is the new Alfa what if he doesn't want rouge in his pack anymore what will he do I'm really really scared but faith will take its course and the moon goddess will make sure it happens.

Alfa P.O.V.

15 minutes till I'm home.

I'm overly excited for this.

I miss everyone.

And I really want to find her.

She is suppose to be beautiful and everything a person needs.

I just want to be happy.

Pulling up to the driveway I notice more cars parked everywhere so I assume we have neighbors visiting as well. I get to my usual parking space and get out I lock my beat up ford and start heading to the front door. That's when it hits me. It hits me good and hard. I smell her. She smells so delicious like coconut and strawberry. My wolf goes crazy and starts to scream in my head

That's our mate bro that's her I want her I want to mate now I want pups and grand pups and I want to be proud of her and everything a mate would do for there other half!

I chuckle and smile just thinking of taking care of her and her baring our kids makes me crave her.

I go straight in and nobody is here so they all must be in the backyard so before I head there I go up to my room and unpack my bag trying to find my suit.  When I find it I strip and put it on I started to head down to the back door but I smelled her again.

So I follow it.

I stop outside the kitchen and here movement I peek my head in and I knew right there. I was going to love her forever no madder what anyone said or did I wanted her and only her.

As soon as I saw her she turned around and froze. She smiled then I guess she figured out who I was and started to cry. I run to her and catch her right before she hits the ground. I rock her back and forth and run my fingers in her hair cooing sweet loving things to her and the last thing I said before she fell asleep was.

I will never reject you I will always love you.

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