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Shyna POV

I approached Aaradhya, trying to shake her awake, my voice trembling with fear. "Aaradhya, wake up, please!" But she remained unresponsive, sending panic coursing through me. With a racing heart, I dashed out of the room in search of help, but the house seemed empty. Frustration and desperation mounted as I realized there was no one around to assist. Should I tell her grandparents about the situation? I was torn, unsure of what to do next. As I anxiously contemplated my next move, I noticed Aaradhya's brother approaching. Relief washed over me at the sight of him, hopeful that he could provide assistance in this dire situation.

"Aariv bhaiya..."

"I don't have time to talk...I have to go somewhere" he says while continuing his walk to kitchen.

"Aaradhya.... she is lying on the fall unconscious I.." As soon as he heard about Aaradhya's condition, he bolted from the room, his urgency propelling him forward. I followed closely behind, my heart racing with anxiety. He rushed straight to Aaradhya's side, gathering her gently into his arms. With trembling hands, he patted her cheeks, checking for any signs of responsiveness "Aarya wake up!!".

Concern and fear clouded his eyes, and I couldn't help but wonder about the guilt I detected within him.

"Shyna, bring the BP machine from my mom's room, quick!" he instructed, his voice tinged with urgency, as he continued to comfort Aaradhya. I hurried to his mother's room, silently praying she wouldn't be there. Thankfully, the room was empty, and I swiftly retrieved the BP machine from the side table. Returning to Aaradhya's room, I handed him the BP machine and stood by anxiously. My heart continued to race with worry as he checked her blood pressure, revealing that it was slightly low.

He placed the BP machine aside and fetched a chair, positioning it next to the bed. Sitting down, he grasped Aaradhya's hand tightly, his voice filled with desperation as he pleaded for her to wake up. I watched anxiously as he remained by her side, never wavering in his vigil. Eventually, we noticed a flicker of movement from Aaradhya, and relief flooded through us. I approached her, calling her name softly, and saw a slight response from her. With shared smiles of relief, we felt hope blossoming once again.

But as Aaradhya's brother rose from the chair, his demeanour turned cold. "Take care of her," he stated briskly, his tone devoid of warmth as he closed the door behind him, leaving me alone with Aaradhya.

Reyansh POV

"Di please leave's hurting..." Aadish say while groaning in pain, and requesting Di to leave his ear...

Aadish, Ridhima Di, and I sat in the hall area, relishing the rare opportunity to spend time together. It had been months since we had all gathered like this, and the familiar comfort of our den enveloped us, filling the air with warmth and laughter.

"First say you will not do this ever again..." Di say in an ordering tone to Aadish who is struggling...

"Okay I promise I will never do that please spare me." He says in pleading voice.

"Okay..." she leaves him and start laughing at his reaction.

"Di you should not leave her this early..." at listening this he throws a pillow from the sofa at me.

"You shut up...I wish no one get a friend like you..." he said irritated yes; I am the one who got him in this situation.

"Leave it...Di do you remember when you we are 10 and we run away from the school." I say with a smile remembering that day.

"Yeah, she caught us so early, she is looking damn scary that day..." Aadish say, and we both start laughing...imitating her expression.

"Oh, do you both forgot your both are so scared just by looking some guards with guns...and even started crying like a cry-baby..." Riddhima Di said in a mocking way.

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