Chapter 33

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Firstly I'm sorry if the story is too boring,I'm still learning 😭..

Back to story

Taehyung's pov

The trip finally came to an end as we were travelling back to the university...

But the travel was strangely not good..I gazed at Yn who was staring out the window with a blank face.She never uttered a word to me since that night where she bursted into our room and dragged away that bunny.

I couldn't stand her ignorance towards me as I stopped going behind her,but I was never at ease.I was consistently frustrated not knowing the reason behind her strange acts.What would make her suddenly turn her back at me..Is there something I have been missing,Or Did I do something wrong?

Each passing second I was getting pissed as I closed my eyes to retain some peace amidst the storm.

End of pov

At the university

Yn walked down the bus with her suitcase.

Jungkook followed her behind with Chaeyoung and jimin while Taehyung got down after everyone with a straight face.

Taehyung gazed at her for one last time to get some hints but she looked away with a poker face.

Jungkook walked to them after waving the rest two a temporary farewell.

Jungkook:Let's go Yn?..

Yn nodded and walked out the campus while Jungkook looked at taehyung with a small smile and waved at him.Taehyung nodded in response.

The weeks passed with final exams around the corner and the voices around the hallway hushed as students gathered in the library during the free hours.

Taehyung walked in the hallway trying to find Yn as he was determined to confront her today and to put an end to their never-ending ignorant conflict.

Taehyung's pov

I held her wrist as she was a few steps ahead me with an airpod plugged in.

She turned to me within a blink of second and got rid off my grip around her wrist and turned front to leave.

Taehyung: Stop.Yn..How long are you trying to extend this game of yours..

She gazed at me with no emotions.

Taehyung: Speak up Yn!

Yn: The reason lies within you Taehyung.

She walked away whispering those words leaving me dumbstruck.

End of pov

After a few weeks

Taehyung's pov
It was weekend and I was calling her but she declined my calls.

I tried calling jungkook but it was busy..

That bunny might be busy texting Chaeyoung.

I didn't know what was wrong with my woman but I can't let this affect our relationship anymore.I couldn't stay mad at her for long as I stood up to go see her.

At Jungkook's house

I rang the bell and after a few seconds an unknown lady opened the door.I frowned thinking that I entered the wrong house but I was right.

She frowned and asked.

"You are?.."

Taehyung: Taehyung.. Jungkook's friend.

"oh he isn't home..--

Interrupting the unfamiliar lady's words someone spoke

"oh tae c'mon in!"
I sighed in relief seeing Jungkook's mom.I greeted her and entered in to see a guy at the couch and looked at Mrs.jeon who eyed the unfamiliar lady.

Taehyung: Who is this..and where is yn aunty?

"That's her fiance..she's getting married!!"

The unfamiliar lady cheered while I looked at her blankly.

Taehyung: what?..

Mrs.jeon nodded her head slowly breaking my hopes down and at this moment I just wanted to see my woman.

Taehyung: Where is she?..

"Who is she to you?"

Taehyung: Her to-be husband.

I spat with a blank stare while she frowned.

"what the hell?!"
She exclaimed.

I stormed upstairs as Mrs Jeon pointed her room and banged at her room.

Taehyung: Open the door Yn!

She soon opened the door and looked at me with a blank face.

Taehyung: What's wrong with you?We can talk and sort out things you know?What's with this fiance thing!??

Yn: enough of this drama taehyung...I'm wrecked.

Taehyung: Oh please it's you who is causing unnecessary drama.

Yn:I'm not the one who would fake feelings in order to get my revenge.

I frowned.

Taehyung: What?

Yn: I don't wanna repeat things now leave.

Taehyung: so are you putting an end to this?

She remained silent.

Taehyung: Fine let's break up!If that's what you've been wanting!Shameless of me to run behind a woman who doesn't even respect other's feeling!I'm not like your ex who would run behind again to get you back remember!

I walked away.

To be continued
Hope you guys loved this chapter.

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