Kisses in December / directaddress

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His name is Ernie." 

Harry looks over at him, nose scrunched slightly like he's confused. "What?" His voice is hoarse and as deep as ever. Something in Louis' gut feels tingly at the sound.

"My car. His name is Ernie."

"Oh," Harry mutters. A wave of awkward silence washes into the small space as Harry stares down at his lap. You can’t hate the guy that gives you a ride home in the rain, right? Maybe you can, especially considering the level of hate Harry has already reached. So Louis stays quiet, wondering absently how many car rides it would take to get a friendly hug. He estimates around twelve, at least.

OR the one where Louis gets in trouble with Zayn and they’re forced to join the volunteer club. Louis is immediately infatuated the cute guy signing his hour sheets, but Harry has zero patience for annoying jocks. Until that changes.

Tags: enemies to lovers, high school AU,  captain of the footie team Louis, Harry strongly dislikes Louis and Louis is just willing to prove H wrong, volunteering, H is afraid of thunderstorms and Louis cuddles him, little bit of angst, fluff, friendship, smut, happy ending.

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