Akumatised Mark x Male Reader

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Diary and a Love Poem

((Y/N)'s POV)

I was sat by Mark under the stairs as he wrote in his notebook. Our classes were done for the day but neither of us wanted to leave just yet, enjoying the silence in between lessons. Mark's notebook had always piqued my interest but he was very protective over it, not having the confidence to show people just yet. I didn't push it, knowing it may make his confidence dip even more if shown to a person with specific taste or hard critique. I was curious though, having only seen snippets that he was very proud of. I had put my headphones on, having one ear uncovered in case Mark needed something or wanted to show me what he's written. As well as if an akumatized villain shows up suddenly, I learnt my lesson about listening to music on a loud volume when Reflecta showed up suddenly. I was listening to my favourite song as I mindlessly doodled in a sketchbook I had gotten myself. By no means was I a talented artist like Nathaniel but it was fun to create cute and funny little doodles, in some situations it helped me focus on learning much to my science teacher's dismay.

Mark had his phone out and was zooming in on certain pictures that gave him inspiration, I had never seen the boy have a writing block. If he couldn't come up with something off the top of his head he found inspiration from various art pieces online. He had a wide smile on his face as he wrote, completely engrossed in his writing to notice the group of people walking up the stairs behind us. "Hey Mark, hey (Y/N), how's it going? Where's the rest of your class?" Marinette greeted, bending down to see us through the stairs. She then proceeded to walk around the stairs to see us better and not block the staircase for others. Mark snapped out of his imagination, his smile instantly replaced with a nervous look. "Oh hey Marinette we're done with classes for the day, the other's probably went home," Mark explains, tilting his open notebook away from Marinette so she doesn't read it. He knew I wouldn't read it unless he wanted me to. I waved a hello to Marinette as I took my headphones off to participate in the conversation. "Perfect timing, our class has a spare hour so some of us are heading over to the art room. You guys should come check it out," Marinette replies with a toned down excitement. Mark looks hesitant, he's never exactly been the best at communicating with others due to his confidence issue but he doesn't want to turn down Marinette's offer. "Sure why not," Mark states, not entirely happy about the idea. "Maybe you'll finally let me read your writing," Marinette adds, leaning over to try and get a slight peak. Mark holds his notebook to his chest in response. "Yeah I don't know, maybe," he replies, very nervous as he glances over his writing. "Awesome, see you later then," Marinette says, running up the stairs and straight to the art room.

"You know you don't have to show her if you don't want to, she'll understand," I try to reassure him. He continues to look at his work doubtfully, every now and then glancing over in the general direction of the art room. "Look, how about we try out the art room, if it's not for us then we can just leave and not go back. But I do think we should give it a try," I state, putting my sketchbook and pencil away and standing up. "Yeah you're right," Mark sighs, slightly defeated. He closes his book and places his phone back in his pocket, placing his notebook slightly in his jacket to hide it from sight. "Come on, if anything happens Marinette will help us, she always has," I reassure him again, grasping his hand in mine. He smiles softly at me, nodding his head as we start to slowly make our way to the art room.

When we arrived Mark was hopping on his feet slightly, clearly very nervous about the situation. I gave him a couple minutes to breathe before opening the door and stepping in. I took a couple of steps before looking over at Mark patiently waiting for him to enter as well. He started edging his way in, hiding his notebook a little bit more as he looked over at everyone. Marinette instantly notices us, calling out our names and running over to Mark. She grabbed his hand and dragged him towards where the teacher was, hiding his notebook a little bit more as the teacher looks over at him. He had a kind smile on his face as he looked at the nervous teen. "This is Mark, the boy I told you about, the one who's always writing. And that's (Y/N) the one who just likes to mindlessly doodle for fun," Marinette introduced us as I walked over to them. "Uh I'm sorry I didn't want to disturb you," Mark quickly apologises as he begins to curl in on himself. I place a hand on his shoulder as a way of wordlessly saying "I'm here for you".

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