Thor x Male Reader

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Drunk Question

Thor and I had been together for many years, got married even, but we never outright told anyone. It's not like we tried to hide it, it just never came up in a conversation before, our kisses were few and far between but we didn't care. We knew how much we loved each other and that didn't need to be proven with dozens of kisses or passionate nights with each other. Because of this however, none of the Avengers knew we were together. They caught on that we loved each other but didn't realise that we were already in a relationship.

It was after another successful mission when Tony called us down to a party, it was one of the few times it was just the Avengers, no one else. We all sat on couches around a coffee table, beers in hand as we laughed at stories and jokes everyone told. I was sat next to Thor obviously, he had his hand around the back of the couch behind me while the other clutched the bottle in his hand. Barton had just stopped teasing Nat when Tony piped up, slurring a bit, "hey how come you two aren't dating when it's obvious you like each other." He points at me and Thor while saying this. I look confused for a moment as I gulp down some beer before bursting into laughter, Thor just smiles beside me.

Thor grins at my amusement before turning to Tony and saying, "we've been married for nearly a hundred years Stark, surprised none of you noticed." Thor takes a swig of his beer as he wraps an arm around me and pulling me into him. I cuddle up to his side as I smile at Tony's shocked face. The others start laughing and congratulating us before we tease the genius on not being able to figure it out.

That night me and Thor returned to our room and cuddled each other. I'm curled up as Thor spoons me. Our legs intertwined as we relax in the sheets after the eventful night. Thor starts lightly kissing my neck as he nuzzles into it smiling. We both fall asleep in each other's embrace, having no worries about the future so long as we have each other.

(A/N-I realise this is incredibly short compared to other oneshots I've done but it is supposed to be short and sweet)

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