BSD: hideout

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we begin walking down the hall, it's very cluttered, with random things that don't appear to be from this time period. an old TV, a old rifle, broken goggles.

ignoring all the trashed up areas and mostly broken windows the area is seemingly a typical workspace, tonnes of small rooms with windows, and through those windows we can see small office spaces, all decorated in their own unique way.

for example a couple of rooms back had what seemed to be an undertale fanatic, as ancient as that game is.

"where did all this come from?" I ask.

Uzi, as if she had just woken up stared rubbing her visor and looked down at all the broken equipment on the floor (the rifle, and broken goggles)
she then proceedurely nudge N and points over at the broken down equipment.

"Ohhh. More things I cant identify? Neat!" N replies
"though if I was to guess, the rifle looks automatic with a high magazine capacity, as given away from the large ammo drums attacked to it. and the goggles look like they had night vision and may have grown relatively one point."

"That's not a good sign." I reply, whatever dropped this equipment here isn't known to these war machines, mildly concerning. I'll just throw it up to being old like I did my M.A.G.U.M. though they do seem familiar... as if I've seen them in one of our textbooks.

walking through these halls, past some corners the silence is both comforting and well awkward. don't get me wrong im glad there isn't some weird centipide monster that wants to eat us, but I don't like it.

we continue walking around and find a room labled "storage/ nuclear bunker." there is a giant vault under the lable and a computer at the side with large letters that read out "password, idiot"

"looks like we found our place" Uzi states
"any way you could get inside with your weird teleportation thing?"

"no, probably not. when I do it I have to imagine the place I want to go to so its probably limited to that." I reply
"so we are gonna have to look around for this password."

I walk past
I see a very... familiar sight. a white lazar pointer coming off a highly explosive trip mine attached to the wall beside it.
it is guarding a room labeled "managers' office" and through a window I can see what I can only assume is more traps.

"Hey, what's tha-" Uzi begins to question, before being interrupted.

"A" N responds
"... why though? it looks cool!"

"it's a trip mine you dumbo!" I say.
now get back before I disarm it, I've got quite a bit of experience with these things."
the more concerning thing is WHO placed it here, there is only a few other places that can use it like this and well... let's just say more often than not they are incredibly unfriendly."

"Ah." Uzi responds, surprised.

After messing with a few more wires, watching the lazar change colour in response to cutting the wires, I eventually disarm it.

"Alright let's move this to a safer spot incase it malfunctions and we'll... ya know." I say before throwing it as hard as I could to the other side of the hall. luckily, it didn't explode.

"well let's have a look shall we?" I ask
I begin VERY slowly opening the door into the managers office, and I did see traps through that window. this room is completely littered with wire traps, trip  mines, spikes and all things similar.

"I might have an idea. though it's a bit risky." I state

"h o w" Uzi responds

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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