🧹😾•𝐌𝐚𝐲𝐛𝐞 𝐜𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝 𝐰𝐨𝐧𝐭 𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬..•😾🧹

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(not my art btw)
This MIGHT be gnarpy x swibbledib I mean.. it kinda is I cannot lie to you all, if you don't like this ship just skip or don't read anyways enjoy!!! :3

(Third person pov) ⤵

Gnarpy was in the elevator just either yelling at other npcs (mostly just mark, poob, split and walter ☹️) and calling them gnarpian slurs or just standing there, menacingly staring at them, with xeir arms crossed. why were xey in the elevator? Xey had to get gas and where do xey get xeir that? At Glorp n go! So that's where xeir going, just for that. Nothing else. Xey didn't want to go.. but xey kinda had to or else xey can't take over planets! As xey were waiting for xeir stop, xey were thinking. 'why won't thiz ztupid wood thing zhut up..' because mark was yapping about.. something? Probably something about the divorce.. Gnarpy wasn't listening nor were xey caring.

As if a trillion years went by the elevator Finally made it to xeir stop. As xey were getting off xey saw swibbledib, They were just sweeping gnarpy was just confused, wondering why they even work here. not that xey cared xey were just curious. Swibbledib looked over to xem, they didn't even notice that gnarpy was there. They waved at xem, but xey just ignored them.. they just sighed and kept working. gnarpy walks over to xeir ufo but before xey leave, xey see a note.. oh. It's from swibbledib.

Their asking if xey want to go out sometime, with two little check boxes, gnarpy feels xeir cheeks heat up (JUST A LITTLE..) as xey didn't really know how to reply. Until xey realized. Gnarpian leaders can't date. Xey only felt a little bad but xey had to toughen up because gnarpian leaders can't feel bad about anything that they do. So xey had to check in the 'No' one..

and left the note on the counter as xey paid for the gas. The shopkeeper gives it to swibbledib, they opened it. As soon as they did they frowned. They cried when they got home that night.. :(

The next day they knew gnarpy was going to be there that day again, they thought about why gnarpy rejected them maybe the note wasn't good enough? Maybe.. no. They didn't want to think it. So they tried doing better on a new note basically the same thing but.. better? When they got there they saw gnarpy's ufo outside (gnarpy leaves it there a lot) they put it in as they were cleaning it. They didn't know why it was so dirty, they cleaned it yesterday too. But anyway they went back to work in the store like sweeping, and restocking the shelves they did this literally all day.

Gnarpy came out of the elevator, walking out of the store to xeir ufo when xey got in to check and make sure nothing was stolen xey saw another note, it was the same as last time just a bit different stickers were on it, a little bit of glitter nothing fell off. thankfully. And xey probably would have said yes, but.. xey can't so xey check marked the 'no' box with a little.. bubble? Saying 'I'm zorry'. Xey did the same as last time. (xey put it on the counter when xey were paying) The shopkeeper gave swibbledib the note again. As swibbledib opened it their smile dropped, looking at it.

That night swibbledib wondered why xey didn't like them back, With tears running down their face. They kept thinking, they thought of a "good" Idea to make another note just trying.. to figure out why gnarpy said no. This will be that last one they promised themselves as they put the note in the ufo walking away. They started working again but this time listening to music as they mostly got lost in the music and focusing on work they didn't even notice the note getting passed to them. When they noticed they got a little startled, but took the note. When they opened it they frowned upon seeing it. It said "I haz a date zorry" (it was a lie) in kind messy but kind of good writing. They were mostly sad but a little mad, because who's this 'date'?? They  wondered who it was a little jealous.

They just stopped trying to be with xem. I guess they will never know what it's like to be with gnarpy, or anyone for that matter because xeir the only other they have ever liked. Until, they got over it. they met new people, they met an emo, he is pretty nice to be around. According to swibbledib. And they met a cashier, he was also awesome. A little rude sometimes but most of the time pretty awesome. Gnarpy is doing fine I guess.. could be better but yeah.. they forgot about each other. UNTIL The aliens ran into each other again on a random sidewalk, "Sorry!" Swibbledib apologised they didn't even notice who they were talking to until they heard the aliens voice "It'z fine.. juzt watch were your goingz." Xey said kind of cold. Swibbledib looked up at xem remembering "uh- anyways- bye! it was nice seeing you!" They said flustered running off as they walked or ran past the corner the leaned up against the wall with their face in their hands, blushing a little. I guess they haven't actually gotten over xem. As for gnarpy xey blushed a little and just continued walking to wherever xey were going. Mumbling random slurs, thinking of what to call the other npcs.

OMG FINALLY IM DONE 😭 Im so tired lol, I got it to 1000 words yay! anyway if there's any spelling mistakes just tell me anyway.... Have a good night/day goodnight!! :3 Imma go to bed, comment if y'all have any requests! :D (sorry if this was short or not!)

(1000 words btw! :D)

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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