Chapter Three

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   The rest of that night was remembered in a blur. Lucy had entertained Scott's interests as they talked over drinks for a few hours. As the night went on people began to go home, the bartenders began to polish up their clean glasses for tomorrow's shift, the music playing overhead faded into silence leaving nothing, but the sound of Lucy and Scott's laughter. With one sour look from the bartender Scott took the hint and tilted his head at Lucy.

"Do you want to go for a ride?"

She looked up at him with a raised eyebrow and smirk across her face as she nodded her head. He led her outside and to the back of the parking lot, the moonlight dancing on their skin as the darkness around them boldly outcasted the rest of the world.

"Ah, here she is." He exclaimed more so to himself as he patted the hood of an old red convertible.

He opened the door for her as she climbed in and smiled at her as he closed it gently. He jogged around to the driver's side and jumped into his seat, not wasting a second to start the engine and roll the windows down. He raced out of the parking lot and drove fast down back roads as Lucy laughed with her head thrown back, her hair flying all around her. Every time she glanced over at him he was already looking at her.

After about half an hour he pulled into a dirt road.

"Where are you taking me?" she questioned.

He smiled and came to a stop, not going any further down the road.

"My parents live down this road, trust me no one will come down here this late."

"And what are we doing here, Scott?" She teased; her voice lower than before.

With just one look at her with her hair a mess, eyes gleaming and a smirk across her face, Scott unbuckled his seat belt with his left hand and used his right hand to pull her closer to him. They share a deep, heated and passionate kiss. A few low breaths escaping from their lips ever so often. Suddenly he breaks away and jumps into the backseat, finally adjusting himself and motioning her to follow. She gives him a long look first, but gives in and climbs into the back with him. They immediately go back to kissing and taking off each other's clothes. It doesn't take long for him to lay her down beneath him on his red fabric seats.

"Are you on birth control?" Scott asks hurriedly between kisses.

"Yes," she breathed, pulling him back down to her.

He breaks the kiss again and leans up, "better safe than sorry," he jokes as he grabs a condom out of his wallet. She gives him an annoyed look, eager to finish what they started. She pulls him back down and they continue.

It doesn't take long for Scott to hop off of her and finish inside the condom. The car was silent except for their heavy breathing. He opens the door stepping outside into the dark and throws the condom into the woods, Lucy watching for a moment before rushing to redress herself. He doesn't say a word as he puts his pants back on and gets back into the driver's seat. He reaches in his pocket and grabs a cigarette, lighting it and taking long drags while he waits for her to gather herself. She opens the passenger side door with her clothes thrown on sloppy and plops herself down on the seat.

"Where can I drop you off at?" He asks nonchalantly before she can even close her door, which sends Lucy into a silent fit of rage.

"My mom's house," she answers through her teeth, her skin heating up and fire in her eyes.

He starts the car and gets on the road heading to her place without sparring her a look, or a spark of conversation. She crosses her arms and stares out at the road ahead of them giving him directions to her destination. Upon arrival she throws her seatbelt off and opens the door.

"Thanks for the good ti-" Scott starts before she slams the door behind her stomping up to her doorstep. Before she can open her front door, he speeds off and she spins around to look at him in astonishment.

"What a dick." She declares.

The next few weeks involved nothing more than the usual tasks from them both. They hadn't seen, or spoken to each other since that night, but Lucy often was reminded and got mad each time the thought crossed her mind. Not because she liked him, but because she couldn't believe someone could talk to her for that long just to drop her off like nothing. Most men fell in love with her after just a kiss, let alone a night shared together. It started eating at her since she wasn't used to the rejection, but she continued on with her life happy to know she'd never have to deal with him again.

One whole month passed and Lucy was doing better than ever with her addictions. She still did small stuff, but was finally motivated enough to at least think about being sober. She was spending more time with Zach and Daniel. Her and Daniel's connection grew deep again to the point where they decided to get back together. She was finally happy and seeing purpose for her life.

Scott had spent the whole month since his night with Lucy doing the same routine he was used to. Wake up, go to work, come home, drink, go out and find a girl, drive them to his dirt road and use them, drop them off, go home and sleep, repeat. It was a depressing cycle, but to him he felt on top of the world. He saw nothing wrong with his lifestyle and was content with living like that forever. He hadn't thought of Lucy at all over this course of time.

It wasn't until six weeks had passed that Lucy started to wake up nauseous and feeling weak throughout the day, but it wasn't until she missed her period that she was hit with a horrid memory of her night with Scott. She went to the store that morning and grabbed a test, each minute it took she prayed to God to not let her be pregnant. She couldn't think of a worse punishment. She drove home in silence, repeating her prayer in her head and gripping the steering wheel. When she got home she made sure Daniel was gone for work and then snuck inside, guilt consumed her as she hid the test even though she was the only one home. While shutting the bathroom door she felt a pit in her stomach as she pleaded with God. Her fingers were shaking as she opened the test and held it below her as she peed. She placed the test upside down on the counter in front of her while she pulled her pants up. The mirror in front of her revealed the fear in her eyes as she glared at herself. Ten minutes go past as she paced back and forth, praying and holding herself tight. Finally, she walks up to the counter and looks down at the test too afraid to move. With a deep breath she flips the test over to reveal the answer that will change the rest of her life.

"Shit," she silently cried.

Scott had spent the night before at the same bar, drinking the same drinks with the same plan in mind. He accomplished his goals with a parked car on a dirt road and a girl under him. He woke up with a pounding headache, groaning and knocking over empty beer cans on his nightstand trying to find his phone that was ringing. His hand bringing the phone to his ear with his eyes squinted shut still trying to wake up.

"Hello?" he mumbles.

"Hello? Scott?" a girl frantic on the other end answered.

"Who is this?" He drags.

"Lucy," his eyes open.

"How did you get my number?" He asks angrily and confused.

"I'm pregnant," she spits out.

He jolts up and his heart starts racing. "What are you talking about?" He responds worriedly.

"I took a test this morn-"

"No, it's impossible. You're on birth control. I used protection and pulled out. You're lying," he accused even more angrily.

"I'm not," she snapped back. "It's yours and we need to talk about it."

Scott sits in silence and fear for a moment. "Can I call you back in a minute?"

"Yes." she answers dryly before hanging up.

He sits on the edge of the bed with his phone hanging from his hand. Suddenly it falls to the trash covered floor as he buries his face in his hands and sobs. 

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