Chapter Fourthy Six

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A few days later I got a letter about meeting in our new spot for the first time. I walked in with Theo and Mattheo and froze at how beautiful the room looked. " That's everyone." Hermione spoke up." Great, from now on, we'll meet here after classes.". " Um, should the Slytherins be here?" Cho asked, making everyone turn to us. " Athena is our friend."  Hermione spoke up." What about her two body guards? They could rat on us."  " What? Do you think we don't need these classes? Just because we're Slytherins?" Mattheo asked, annoyed. " Umbridge's little army is made up of all Slytherins.". Seamus spoke up. " And have you ever seen us on it?" ," We are here to learn and protect Athena. Is that so bad? Or would you prefer us not to be here?" Theo asked.

" Everyone is welcome. We all have to learn to defend ourselves."  Harry spoke up. First, Harry had us all practice on a dummy, using small defensive spells that wouldn't harm. " This is so boring.". Mattheo whispered, " It's the first class. Harry will help us." Once we had finished, Harry thanked us all for coming and told us to meet at the same time tomorrow.

This went on for a few weeks, Draco and his new stupid friends would try and break in with Filtch so we'd get creative on how we would sneak past them.

Umbridge had taken over the whole school now. Dumbledore had vanished, and every day, there seemed to be a new rule put in place. She still took her anger out on me, bringing me to detentions and tormenting me.

" She really doesn't like you." Luna spoke in class one day. " Umbridge, why is that?" She asked. " I don't know.". " Maybe it's your father? Sirius Black, he did escape prison.". " Maybe?". " You're a very gifted witch, Athena. However, you're blocking your full potential.". " You think so?" I asked.' Yes, tradgies always block a part of us. Maybe yours is blocking your magic.". I nodded my head. " Thanks for the note, Luna.". " Dont listen to what everyone says. I know you aren't crazy or dangerous. You went through horrible events one after the other, if I were in your shoes. I'd probably be as upset and low as you.". Luna smiled before walking away, " Thanks?".

I walked the hallways between classes when I suddenly felt someone grab me. I turned in fright, and Draco had pulled me into an empty classroom. " Fuck Draco, don't do that to me please.". " Sorry, I wanted to talk in private. How have you been feeling?" ," Okay, I guess?.". " Athena, please. I can't get the sight of you out of my head. Be honest with me.". " It's hard, really hard. But Theo's been spending his nights with me. So I feel safe going to bed.". " Theos been sleeping in your bed?" " Yeah, it's the only way I can fall asleep. If he's not beside me, I have panic attacks.". Draco nodded. " I just wanted to make sure you were okay. You may not be my girlfriend anymore, but you're still my friend, and I care about you.".

" Thanks, Draco.". " Before you go, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that secret group Potters made, would you?" He asked. " No," I lied. " How would I know anything about that?.". " He's your friend.". " Harry hasn't been my friend for a long time Draco, you should know that.". " Okay, well, if you hear anything about it, let me know, yeah?." I nodded my head and gave Draco a smile. " If I hear anything, I'll let you know ferret.". " Hey!" He yelled as I laughed, running out the door. That was a close one. I sighed.

As I continued to walk the halls, Umbridge made a new announcement. " All students will be required to have a meeting with their headmistress when called upon.". " Not another stupid fucking rule.". I sighed, making my way to the common room. As I made my way into the Slytherin common room, Crabb handed me a letter. " What's this?"." From Umbridge.". I sighed and opened up the letter. It was a note telling me I was one of the first students chosen for that stupid meeting.

" She wants you in her office now.". Crabb smirked. " She can wait.". Crabb stood in front of me, blocking the way. " She's waiting for you now.". Crabb suddenly grabbed my arm and dragged me through the halls until we got to Umbridge's office in the dada classroom.

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