➻Chapter 54- The Eclipse.

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My hand nervously ran through my hair as I struggled to draw in another shaky breath. The weight of my actions threatened to suffocate me. Tyler called me to the chalet, likely about to pour out his love for me but instead of anticipation, here I sat, consumed by guilt, my hands trembling uncontrollably. I betrayed Tyler, shattering his dreams into irreparable pieces.

How will I ever get over this? How will Tyler ever, ever forget about this?

I choked back a sob, tears streaming down my face. The thought of the pain he would endure pierced through my heart, making it bleed. He dedicated himself tirelessly to this dream performance, only for it to be ripped away because of my actions, because of me.

With a sharp inhale, I brushed away my tears, feeling utterly helpless. His safety weighed heavily on my mind, a concern that left me grappling with an impossible decision. How could I ever make the right decision? What even was the right choice? My affection for him tangled me in a web of conflicting emotions, forcing me towards a choice I never wished to make. Yet, with no alternative in sight, I found myself compelled to betray him in the name of his safety—a sacrifice I never imagined having to make.

Taking in another shaky breath, I stood up, brushing away my tears.

I couldn't give Tyler another heartache. He was waiting for me at the chalet. I had to go.

Despite my ineffective attempts to wipe the tears, they cascaded down my cheeks as I hurried home. Avoiding any interaction, I dashed upstairs as soon as I entered the house.

Upon reaching my room, I swiftly shut the door behind me and sank to the floor, consumed by regret and disbelief over my betrayal. Regardless of my intentions, I dreaded the thought of witnessing Tyler's affectionate gaze transform into disgust for me. Oh, my lord, the mere thought of it was unbearable; how would my heart withstand such torment? Would he ever understand what I did for him?

Rushing to the bathroom, I leaned heavily against the sink, staring intently up at my reflection, haunted by the face that had shattered Tyler's biggest dreams. How could I do this to him? How could I betray him like that? I had witnessed the sheer joy on his face when he learned that he had made it in the performance. How could I be the one to take it all away from him then? How would I ever live with this guilt? How could I face those beautiful emerald eyes again?

Swiftly splashing the cold water over my face, it gushed down my cheeks, the icy touch was a desperate attempt to cleanse away the guilt that dragged me into the depths of regret. I gave another cold plash, as I desperately sought to get out of this living nightmare. Each droplet mingled with my tears, a silent confirmation of the regret churning within me as I looked up at my reflection in the mirror. I watched, transfixed, as droplets of water traced their path down my cheeks, mirroring the tears that streamed freely from my eyes at what I did to save Tyler. I caused him to lose his dream. The regret was eating me alive.

As I was drowning in guilt, I remembered about Tyler waiting for me at the chalet. Drawing in a deep, steadying breath, I let another cold splash of water over my face, a last attempt to wash away the evidence of my inner chaos that was etched upon my tear-streaked face.

With a heavy sigh, I wiped my face and  trudged out, lowering myself before the vanity. My fingers trembled as I reached for the comforting cover of the makeup, a frantic effort to mask the evidence of my emotional collapse.

Each foundation stroke felt like a betrayal, an effort to conceal the unease etched upon my features. As I carefully applied lipstick, the sting of tears threatened once more, a bitter reminder of the guilt that weighed heavily upon my conscience.

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⏰ Last updated: May 21 ⏰

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