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I had just fed little peanut and laid them down in the bed before I headed back to our room where Happy was still laying.

when I got closer I noticed his cock was leaking pre cum and getting his belly wet.

I stripped down and slipped under the covers laying right at his cock and started to lick his belly clean before I licked his cock and took him in my mouth. 

I laid my head on his stomach as I suckled his cock while closing my eyes and just getting lost in the feeling of me making my husband feel pleasured.

he moaned an started moving which nearly made his cock slip out of my mouth had I not taken him deeper and pushed a bit on his hips.

"Oh fuck mami" he moaned

I pulled back making his cock slip out before I lifted my head and looked at him.

"having a wet dream where we?" I asked

"yeah, of me breeding you and knocking you up with more babies that you nurture, and be a loving and devoted mother to" he says

I moved up and laid beside him.

"you like me being a nurturing, loving, devoting mom huh?" I asked

"very much.& if you are ok with it I'd like to keep you as one" he says

"you want me to be nothing more than your pregnant wife?" I asked

"well you'd be more. I just mean I'd like to keep you pregnant," he says

"Oh well that's fine, I don't mind at all. but if something goes astray with one of my pregnancies then I'll not go though it again" I told him

he nods his head understanding.

I smiled and started kissing him before I pulled back a little.

"knock me up papi. make me pregnant with your baby, I want to experience everything all over again with you....well almost" I say

"I'll do like I did when you were pregnant with peanut. I'll tell the sons of bitches off if not beat their ass in the ring" he says

I pulled him to me and started kissing him all over again.

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