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Papi and I had taken haylan to his appointment with mine following shortly after.

when they was doing the check up I was breastfeeding him so they was having to work around him nurturing.

"is he latching good?" the doc asked

"yea" I replied

"any thing occur after he nutures?" she asked

"nope. he falls right to sleep with no trouble" Hapy tells her

"that's great" she says

After his appointment was finished I handed him to Happy. and went to cover my breast but she stopped me.

"please leave them uncovered so I can examine them" she says

so I unclasp the other cup and sit there trying not to hate that Imy breast were being oogled at. leaving my tits uncovered she continued to do her examination. 

I looked at Happy and seen him smiling while winking at me then mouth

"I am so fucking hard for you baby. I will fuck you in the car" 

I blushed making him grin wider.

"how long had you waited after your son was born to fuck?" she asked

"honestly?" I asked

she nodded her head

"less than a week." I say

"well your pregnant again so we'll schedule when you can go see how far. but i'd say you are three months which is how old your son is." she says

I was a bit surprised. I mean I thought it would take a bit longer before I get pregnant again but apprently I had been pregnant since having Haylan.

once she told us congratulations and gave us mine and Haylan's discharge papers we left and I went to schedule the obgyn appointment before we fully left the building.

Daddy got me in the back of my car got me on my hands and knees and fucked me while HAylan was fastened into his careseat. 

we were mid fucking when someone called.

"Yeah?" daddy asked as he kept fucking me while I wrapped my arm around his neck and he held my bump.

"alright man I'll be there after I see my wife and son home" he says before hanging up.

"club issues daddy?" I asked

"Yeah momma" he says

"do you need to stop fucking me to hurry and go?" I asked

"you know I'll not stop mid pleasuring you to go handle club matter" he says

"I just asked papi" I say

 he place his other hand on my throat.

"you and our son are way more important than me handling something for the club. your pleasure is more important also." he says 

I loved how he is putting me and Haylan before the club. heck even my pleasure before the club. it really made me fall in love with him.

I came around his cock and he moaned as he littered my throat with kisses as he kept fucking me then he came inside me triggering me to cum again.

after we both came down from our high he licked me clean and I sucked him clean before we got situated and both got out of the back of the car before we got in the front and headed home.

I kissed him and waved bye as Haylan had woken and started nurturing again. 

"well Haylan it looks like its me and you as well as your little sibling Happy jr"I say

Haylan didn't give a shit what I was saying he was to busy nurturing to care.

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