Chapter 25:To Raindinners

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Konichiwa great readers! I am delighted to be handing you another chapter for this month and open the doors to our great escape from reality. Thank you all so much for the support, every time I'm told my stories are enjoyed I gush with strength and motivation.

Hope you enjoy this chapter!


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Sakura quietly rose from her bed, the soft creak of the floor announcing her departure. The room was dimly lit, with the moon casting a gentle glow through the window. The desert night stretched out through Yuba. She took a deep breath, the cool desert air filling her lungs.

Sakura glanced towards the horizon, where the silhouette of Yuba stood against the starlit sky. The town, once vibrant, was now a testament to the harshness of this world. If she thought of saving this country as a mission, it would be S-ranked.

The weight of the upcoming confrontation pressed on her, and she couldn't shake the feeling that things were going to get more complicated.

Sakura saw Toto walking with Luffy on his back. The straw hat captain was snoring loudly over the man's shoulder.

"He finally tired himself out, dug a really deep hole,"

Toto went to put Luffy down to rest before coming back out, meanwhile, Sakura went to take a look at the hole. There were two in the sand but Sakura could already guess which one Luffy was in.

"Right time to get back to work,"

Toto went back into the hole and returned to digging, his shovel biting into the sand, in the hole that seemed to reach into the very heart of the desert.

"You're still digging?"

Toto wiped the sweat from his brow, his eyes reflecting a mixture of fatigue and determination. "Your friend's quite the character. He dug that hole by himself, pouring sand into mine, too."

Sakura chuckled, envisioning Luffy's carefree antics. "That sounds like Luffy, all right."

"But if I keep up, I'm sure I'll be able to reach the water soon." The conversation shifted to the impending conflict. "You kids are really going to stop those rebels?" Toto inquired, concern etched on his face.

"We'll do our best," Sakura replied, her gaze shifting to the moonlit desert. The weight of the promise she made to Toto settled heavily on her shoulders. Vivi's conviction in diplomacy clashed with the unspoken doubts lingering within the crew. Stopping the rebels wouldn't put an end to Crocodile.

"Shouldn't you rest as well, sir?" she suggested, noting the weariness in Toto's every move.

"I can do that when I'm dead," Toto quipped.

"Which will be sooner than you think if you keep this pace," Sakura teased gently, accepting the shovel he offered. "If you don't mind, I can take over for a while."

Toto hesitated, concern etched on his features, but Sakura's wouldn't let up. "I'll take you up on that offer."

As Toto retreated, Sakura plunged the shovel into the soft sand. The rhythmic sound of digging became a companion to the night, and under the moonlit desert sky, Sakura worked the vast expanse.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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