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kieran found the best clothes he had. putting it on and heading downstairs rather slowly. he heard talking before seeing sebastian standing by the front door while amelia talked her mouth off. the younger males eye spotted him, his gaze intense on the older male. kieran swallowed hard. he could not be around sebastian alone. not after what he was about to do.

'u-um, can amelia come with us?' kieran eyed sevastian, the taller male still having his heated gaze on kieran. he looked away, finding the floor rather interesting. sebastian nodded his head, he didn't mind it. all his attention would be foused on kieran only. the trio made their way out the door. towards sebastian car.

kieran immediately opened the back door, not wanting to sit next to sebastian. amelia was happy that he did, now she could eye the taller male all she wanted to. kieran buckled up his seatbelt. seeing the two in front do the same.

sebastian drove, watching kieran in the rear view mirror. kieran on the other hand was sweating his ass off. he could not sit comfortably, switching from leg to leg to find a comfortable position. he would sometimes glance at sebastian, the younger male sometimes catching him as well. kieran could not wait for this to end.

sebastian stopped in front of a rather elite looking building. he knew this was a high end place. kieran sighed, making sure to not do anything that would make him look stupid. the older male was about to open the door, but sebastian beat him to it. kieran clutched tightly to his shirt. feeling the gaze of sebastian as he stood next to amelia. the girl was too amazed by the sight in front of her.

the two waited for sebastian, he talked to another man on the side before he walked in front of the two. heading inside the building. they both followed along, amelia all up beside sebastian. the building was pretty empty. sebastian wanted just him and kieran to be alone. but the older male insisted his sister tag alongside them.

both kieran and amelia sat down at a table. kieran looked up at the ceiling, seeing rows of chandeliers lining up behind one another. big and small. he knew sebastian was rich but not this rich. sebastian made his way towards the two siblings, he saw how amazed kieran was. 'you like it?'

'like it? i LOVE it! it looks so fancy!' amelia spoke up. sebastian looked at kieran for his answer, the older male smiled. before looking down at the folded napkin situated on the plate. 'he just never saw this before. he has no words.' sebastian smiled to himself, sitting down next to kieran. the older male breathed in deep, mentally. feeling the closeness made him almost feel suffocated.

they waited for the waiter, before he came up to write down their orders. the three made small talk, well amelia mainly doing the talking towards sebastian. but the taller male was more focused on kieran. the older male barely moved his head in the direction of sebastians at all. afraid of what his mind would think when he did look at the youngers face.

the food came to them. they ate quietly, kieran occasionally making small talk with amelia about her up coming finals. sebastian watched kieran as he ate. he wondered why kieran wasn't talking nor even looking at him. the taller male sighed to himself. amelia asked sebastian where the restroom was at. the taller male pointed down a hallway. now that the two were alone, sebastian spoke up.

he moved a little bit closer towards kieran. 'what's wrong?' the younger male draped his arm around kierans chair, scooting a little bit closer to him if he could. the older male shook his head. 'then why aren't you talking?' kieran still looked at his hands, shivering when he felt sebastians hands gently grab onto his jaw. making his face look towards him. 'talk to me at least?' kieran moved his hand away from his face. 'you should talk this softly to amelia. not me.'

sebastian looked at kieran. the two staring at each other. he couldn't hep himself. kieran looked so defenseless, his eyes glistening with tears. the younger male rubbed kierans bottom lip with his thumb. the smaller male looked at sebastian in the eye. the dark skinned male moved closer to kieran, he gently placed a kiss on onto his lips. before moving back slowly. seeing the older male sniffling softly.

sebastian smiled to himself. all kieran needed was a little push. and he didn't mind doing that to the smaller male he came to love and adore.

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