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  His heart was beating so fast, you could swear it was going to jump out. Seeing Spencer laying on Lycus's couch peacefully sleeping, it made Kai uneasy. It made him uneasy because she is only now peaceful.
    Hours ago, she was gasping for air. She had almost lost her in a way he didn't want to imagine. He could feel his fists ball up as he thought about the events of the party. His head throbbed as he came down from the alcohol. Hayley and Lycus slept the whole night, Kai couldn't sleep.
   His duty was to watch Spencer, he had to make sure she was okay. If she were to wake up, he wanted to be here.  Brushing her now wet frazzled hair out of her face, he placed a kiss on her forehead.

    He may have went overboard with his actions, but he meant every bit of it last night. He needed to be here to guide and guard her. It took him far too long to realize it, but Spencer was the most precious thing in his life. She made him feel things he had never felt before. She made him feel alive.
    Even now, she looked so beautiful. Spencer was has always been beautiful, ever since he laid his eyes on her. He knew deep down, he was in deep shit. After being scared shitless last night, he knew that he had to keep her close. No more bullshit, no more lies, nothing.
   Kai wanted, no, he needs her to be his. And he had a strong inkling that she had no problem with that. If he lost her, he has no idea what he would've done.

    Spencer suddenly tosses in her sleep as she springs forward. "No!" She yells out as tears fall down her face. He quickly pulled her into his lap as he took her spot on the couch. "Calm down, it's okay. You're safe." He cooed to her softly as he held her close.
   Rubbing her head he rocked her, wrapping her in the blanket. She quietly whimpered as she held onto him, clinging to me. As if he was going anywhere.
    "I thought I was in the water.." she croaked out as she lifted her head to look at me. Looking into her eyes, he saw sorrow and fear. For the first time, Spencer was scared. She was absolutely mortified.

    "Everything's fine Graves. Just rest.." he said softly. He wasn't sure what else to say, what is there to say? Hey, sorry you almost drowned! I was your hero! No. She doesn't need to know that right now, she needs rest.
   "It was so sudden.. you weren't there and next everything was black and cold." She explained softly as her voice was cracked. Feeling goosebumps on her he held her as close he could to warm her up.
   "We don't need to talk about it. It's over." He demanded as he continued to rock her. Spencer, the girl who always held herself so high. Someone who never backed down, challenged people. Never showed fear for anything, she was now nothing than a mear scared child.

    In this moment, she was just a girl who needed comfort. She needed warmth, and protection. She needed to be shielded from the world. Observing her, he noticed just how she was so small. Curled into a ball, hiding her face.
   This was not the Spencer he knew, and he was almost sure she hates this just as much as he does. No, he knew she did. If there's anything he knew about her, it was what she hated the most, it's being helpless. The girl refused to be helpless, and now she was nothing more than.
    She soon drifted back into a sleep, still holding her in his lap. He pulled out his phone and looked back at their photos from the night. Everyone was so happy, she was happy. It was the happiest he has seen her. 

    How can a night that was so perfect end so horribly? This shouldn't have happened at all, the EMS said she'll be fine.. but he was worried about her mentality. He had no idea she could not swim, it makes me wonder why she never told me such a detail. I had never realized I've never seen her swim before.
     In the end, no matter what, I'll be by her side. I need Spencer, and I pray she needs me. Hearing footsteps behind me I see Hayley and Lycus walking down the stairs.
   "How is she?" Hayley whispers as she sits on the couch to the left of us. I shrugged, "A small freak out happened, but she has slept the whole night." Lycus raised an eyebrow at me, "You didn't sleep?"

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