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November 3rd 8:15 AM


As we walked through the front entrance of the school, everyone's eyes were on us. Kai was trailing behind me, as I made my way through the crowd unbothered. "Don't pay attention to them." I could hear Kai telling himself behind me. We scanned the common area for Lycus and Hayley.
"Over here guys!" Looking off ahead of us, I see the two of them standing by the vending machines. We make our way over when Hayley gives me a hug. "How are you feeling?" I shrugged my shoulders, "I feel okay today, Kai has helped a lot."
We look up at Kai and he is looking off in the distance, not paying much attention to us. Hayley and I shrug at each other. "Everyone is staring Hals.." I tell her softly as I lean over to her.

She giggled, "You two have been the talk of the school since the party." My eyes went wide, promptly Kai placed his hand on my lower back and rubbed with his thumb. Without even looking, he knows when I'm in distress.
"Why" I ask her with a hint of disgust in my voice. Hayley and Lycus looked at one another then back at me. "No one would've guessed you two were.. together. Spence, the both of you had masks on that night until then." Lycus explained as he rubbed the back of his neck.
I shuddered in embarrassment, how did I forget we were wearing masks? Of course, the stares! Everyone was wondering who the hell we were that night. It all makes sense now, Kai's behavior.

Kai was so comfortable that night because no one knew who he was. Yes I had a mask, but everyone had already seen me in the Christine costume. He was literally a Phantom that night. Willing to bet, he wasn't planning on showing his face that night.
    Everyone was wondering who the second Phantom was, and now everyone knows it was Kai. So many people had seen us that entire night.. I have a feeling deep down he hates it.
    He isn't the type of guy to have that kind of behavior, when it's him and I, it doesn't matter. But around people? It wasn't happening. I wish I could read his mind, find out his exact thoughts.

   Lycus and Kai carried a conversation with each other as Hayley and I had our own. "I wish people would just mind their own business." I huffed as I noticed more staring. This was getting very old, very quickly.
  "Take a picture, it might last longer!" I yelled at a group of four people as they gawked and snickered. My blood was about it boil, why does it matter so much that it's Kai! I am allowed to be friends, hang around anyone I damn well please and it's not anyone business.
   "Spence, you need to relax." Hayley told me as I felt my fits ball up. Nothing pisses me off more than a group of gawkers. If they were in the celebrity sphere, they would be the paparazzi.

    "Well they need to stop staring!" I shouted in frustration, I paused looking at Kai not paying attention then back at the group. "I know the stares are bothering him.." I whisper to her softly. Kai may seem like it's not bothering him, but I know deep down he cares.
    Kai was a person who lived in the shadows, someone who lingered around. He wasn't the type of person who enjoyed the spotlight. He wasn't the type that knew how to deal with the uncomfortable stares of judgmental people.
    Hayley looked at Kai while biting her cheek in curiosity. She looked back at me, "Are you sure?" She asked me, but I nodded to confirm. Spending as much time around Kai as I have, I knew I wasn't wrong about this.

   Abruptly, I felt a flash go off in front of us. Shielding my eyes I see two students giggling. "That's it. I've had enough of this!" I shouted as I felt my entire body heat up. My eyes had flames in them, my fits were ready to lunge. My feet began to start moving just as I pulled back with barely any effort.
    Turning my head I can Kai standing there, firm grip on my book bag. His face told me I was being ridiculous. "They need to stop!" I shrieked. Kai sighed, "It's fine Levine, it'll be forgotten about in a few days."
    I wanted to hit him, I wanted to kick him, he makes me so irritated! Though, I know he is right. I just really wish people weren't so cruel sometimes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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