ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 15

142 9 6

Schlatt and I walked 10 minutes to the beach we were at before. If you look at it too long, the waves laping softly against the shore, they create a rhythmic and hypnotizing motion. The moon hangs high in the air in a waning crescent. A new cycle begins here in Cape Elizabeth. I wonder if a new cycle will start for me, too. 

"You having fun staring at the moon?" Schlatt quips. I look up at him and clear my throat. He's slightly laid back, his hips out with his hands in his pockets. "I found a little place while exploring with the boys." He nods his head to the right and I follow him. 

We don't say anything, mostly because I'm too focused on the sound of the beach. I feel the sand between my toes and how each granule makes me happy I'm here in Maine than busting my ass at work. Schlatt hums a tune to a song every time I tune back into the real world it's something relaxing and RnB-esk. The nook Schlatt discovered is just a large log of wood, a small wooden table, and two old plastic lawn chairs. 

"Voila." He says. "Gorgeous, isn't it?"

"Did a dog chew on these chairs?" I walk up to one of them and see that a whole chunk of the backside is missing. "Or was it a human?"

"I don't know Olive." Schlatt sits in the chair to the right and lets out an ah as he puts his hands behind his head. "Pure paradise."

"Sure," I mumble. I take the spot next to him and put my hands between my thighs. It is significantly colder now that it's dark and I'm so glad I brought my sweater. I can't imagine how cold Schlatt must be. 

"So, what do you think so far?" He asks. 

"I've been here a total of maybe 6 hours Schlatt." I deadpan. I adjust myself in my chair, trying to find a comfortable position but the fact that half of the back of this chair is missing makes it very hard. "It's nice though. I like the beach." I comment. 

"Yeah, it's good to be back here." He exhales and stares off into the distance. "Haven't been here in two years almost."

"Why?" I'm trying to keep the conversation going because this is the most I've spoken to Schlatt in a friendly context. There's no "flirting" or anything. Just two people sitting in a very intimate spot talking about Cape Elizabeth. 

"Kalynn." He shrugs. "I used to come here every summer with Kalynn and Weston and some other friends but uh..." Schlatt scratches his head. "After everything...it just stopped."

"Makes sense," I respond dryly. Why are all of our conversations surrounding Kalynn? Fuck me for asking why he hasn't been here in two years.

"That's all you gotta say?" He crosses his arms and kicks the leg of my chair. "Where's the sarcastic remark?"

"I don't have any," I respond dramatically. "You have taken away all of my sarcasm and humor, you soul-sucking demon."

"Shut up." Schlatt giggles. I look over at him and catch a glimpse of that perfect-toothed smile of his. God, his teeth are so fucking white they practically fucking glimmer. I am transported back to the revelation I had in my car; when I hear his voice and see his smile I realize that I'm not over him. I will always wonder what could have been if I had more faith and he put in more effort. 

"You're staring, Olive." 

His voice is raspy and low as he speaks with his chin dipped towards his chest, leaning towards the left. "You have a staring problem." He states. That stupid smile didn't leave his face, though. 

"No, I don't." I look away and pretend to fix the waistband of my pants. "I just like...looking. At things. I am very observant." 

He lets out a quick chuckle before moving his seat closer to mine. I feel my cheeks heat up and the biting attacks my throat. I scratch the base of my neck. 

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