Chapter 2

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I clock in at 7 am. and get their food ready for them. Since I don't have any other clients for a while, I make sure I put all my energy into them.
I get their food and head to the elevator. Not a lot of people are up at this time, but I like the quiet. It helps me think.
I knock on changbins door and no answer, I open it and hope to god he's not naked again. He's dead asleep and snoring,I put his food out for him.
" Sir, it's time to wake up." he stops snoring and looks at me.
" What time is it, and why are you calling me, sir?" he says, confused and lifting his head up.
" It's 7:30, you need to be up and ready by 8:30" he looked at me, werid, and stood on his knees on the bed. He wasn't fully naked, but he had boxers on.
" Have a great day, sir. I'll see you at dinner," I say and walk out of his room.
I knock once at leeknows door, and he opens it with a smile.
" Good morning, sir." his smile dropped, but mine remained the same. I set up his breakfast and tried to leave, but he caught my arm.
" Is there anything else I can get for you, sir?" I look into his eyes, and he seems annoyed.
" You forgot the towels," he says with a smirk.
" Oh, sorry, I'll bring them to you asap," i say, smiling again. He let go but kept his smirk.
" It's okay. I'm good at waiting," he says and winks at me.
" Well then, that's good for me, sir," I say, trying not to yell.
I knock on Seungmin door and then walk in after no answer.
He's half asleep when he looks at me and smiles.
" Good morning, sir," I say, raising my eyebrow at him.
" Oh, don't be like that," he says, smiling. He grabs my hand and softly kisses it, and let's go. My hand burned from the warmth, but I ignore it and leave.
" Have a good morning, Ember, don't for-" I try to say, but the door slams, and it makes me laugh.
" she's called me, sir. I think she's getting pissed " I texted our secret group chat and changbin, and leeknow, said she called them sir too.
" I like this one," I text back and eat my breakfast.
I walk out of Seungmin's room and can hear him trying to talk to me, but I don't care. My hand still burns, and it makes me blush. I finish Hyunjin's and I.Ns. They were confused why I was calling them sir but didn't argue because they were too tired. Felix opened the door with a smile, but his button-down shirt was open so I could see his whole chest.
" Good morning sir, how did you sleep?" I say, looking at his face.
" I slept amazing Ember thank you for asking," he says with a wide smile. He shuts the door and sits on the bed, staring at me.
" Well, have a good day, sir. I'll see you in the evening, " I say as I put set his breakfast up, but he grabs my hand and wraps me up in his arms. I squeal a little, afriad I was going to fall in my heels.
" It's not, sir... it's felix, " he says with a smile. I glare at him.
" Sir, unhand me," I say, getting mad.
" feelliixx," he says, dropping his smile. I huff.
" Sir," i say, but he stops me and shakes his head, getting mad. He gets closer to me and whispers in my ear.
" If you don't say my name, I'm going to report you," he says in a low tone. I tense up and want to hit him, but I know it is a game .
" ffeellliixx," I say through my teeth. I glare at him, and he smirks.
I leave with a huff and a dizzy mind but knock on hans door. He opens it and looks nervous.
" im sor-" he tried to say but I couldn't function to listen to him so I cut him off.
" Good morning sir, how was your sleep? " I ask, trying to smile.
" You don't have to call me that...." he says, annoyed. I bow and don't say anything.
" Seriously though.... I really didn't mean to do that.... infront of you, " he fidgeting with his thumbs and looked down at the floor.
" No, I know you were probably planning something else for your little game," I say, annoyed, and he looks at me in shock.

I huff angerly as I sit down at the front desk.
" What?" Amanda says, looking at the computer.
" uhh nothing " I say and sigh.
" If something is going on, I need to know," she says, looking at me this time.
" It's just..... the members of stray kids are... flirting with me, " I say in a nice way.
" Okay?" she says, confused
" Inappropriately," I say with red cheeks.
" Haha, I honestly thought they stopped doing it after they got caught," she says, laughing to herself.
" What do you mean?" I ask, confused. She sighs and whispers in my ear.
" they like to play a game with hotel staff " is all she says and walks away.

Jyp International Hotel (Book 1) COMPLETE Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora