the wedding

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2 months later
Arthur p.o.v
Y/n and the rest of the crew made to fooshia village a week ago makio took a liking to y/n immediately and helped her with her pergencey. While dadan didn't like the idea that she wanted to meet the people who raised luffy right before his wedding day. 

Luffy hated how dadan was treating y/n but y/n told him not to worry about it because it doesn't bother her and it shouldn't bother him. Makio told luffy and y/n that they could stay at her place during the pergencey but they declined the offer because they feel more at home on the sunny than anywhere else.

Slowly people from different islands starts to show up law and his crew,viola, rebecca sabo, kyros, vivi, lgaram, kureha, kaya, piiman, ninjina, tamanegil, zeff, momo, kin' emon, nojiko and hatchan from past few days. Luffy and y/n wanted to invite the people who are close to the crew or helped them out the most.Everyone who didn't know y/n really liked her and is really happy for the soon to be married couple.

Your p.o.v
Mine and Luffy's wedding starts an hour from now and really excited to be the wife to luffy. I think he feels the same way "I can't believe you are finally getting married to our captain" robin said while nami nodded her head in agreement I sighed and smiled in the mirror

"I can't believe he proposed to me I didn't think he would like me that much to merry me" I said with chuckle nami rolled her eyes while robin shook her head "remember when you didn't want to tell luffy how you felt because he was qoute on qoute boss and it be weird but he was the one to tell you how he felt and now you have a baby on the way a ten year old daughter and he's fixing to be your husband" nami said

"Yes nami I know that" I said with a small giggle then door open and in came in lola "we are ten minutes away okay mom" lola said as she left
I got up and putting my sandals on "I can't believe you are wearing a red wedding dress" nami said I chuckled
"Luffy wanted red as the theme color nami you know this" I said making robin softly giggle.

We walked out the room to meet up with sabo. Robin and nami left to go find there seats leaving me with sabo. "You know when I said don't break Luffy's heart you took that literally" sabo jokingly said "I mean we were already engaged" I said smiling at him
"Well welcome to the family y/n and to you" sabo said as he bends over a little to say hi to the baby in my growing stomach.

Then the wedding music started playing me and sabo looked at each other with a big smile "let's do this" sabo said as I grabbed his arm he opened the door to relieved everyone looking at me with big smiles on their face.

I saw luffy smiling at me with loving eyes at me and sabo stopped right before luffy took my hand "luffy you better not screw this up or so help me" sabo said sternly but jokingly it made us laugh loudly because we all know how luffy is "don't worry sabo I won't" luffy said looking no where but me

Luffy took my hand and walked to the front where the priest was standing. He started talking about god and stuff like that me and luffy kept staring at each other.

"Okay now  it's time for the vows y/n

will go first" the priest said I smiled as I grabbed the peice of paper between my boobs I cleared my throat "luffy when I first met you all those years ago I thought you were something else and I never would get to see you again but it didn't take long for you to ask me to be part of the crew and i immediately said yes. From that moment we became really great friends. To playing hide in seek around the sunny,  stealing meat out of the kitchen,  going fishing or just staying up and talking about random things while looking at the moon then accidentally falling asleep.

Honestly there's so many memories with you as just my friend we be here all day but on a random day I started looking at you luffy more than a friend I was really scared because I didn't want to fall for you and you not feel the same way but you proved me wrong by confessing to me that you loved me and I felt over the moon. Since then you have been my rock a person to talk to you make laugh every single day when I'm sad or happy.

You are my best friend you and I have been through alot together. I don't want this to end I want forever with you as my friend and as my husband and I hope you do to" I said I looked up from my paper and saw luffy in tears smiling at me.

Then I looked in the crowd they ethier crying or holding it in. "Now it's the groom's turn" the priest said luffy wiped away his tears and cleared his throat. "Y/n when I first saw you you were the light that brightened up my darkness every single day as friends and as a couple. You used to tell me well it if it happens it happens I never thought you and I would end up together but if it wasn't for usopp explaining it to me what I'm feeling we wouldn't be standing here but I'm so glad I got to meet you all those years ago and I can't believe I'm calling you my wife today"  luffy said

I smiled at him and he gave me half one "okay can someone please bring the wedding rings" the priest said chopper got up out of his seat and walked up "here's the rings" chopper said and gave them to luffy as sat back down.

"Now y/n you take luffy hand and you will say I will take and wear this ring as a sign as faithfulness" the priest said I nodded at him I grabbed luffy hand and slipped the ring on his finger "I will take and wear this ring as a sign as faithfulness" I said luffy smiled at me

"Okay now luffy you would do the same to y/n and say same thing" the priest said luffy nodded and grabbed my hand and slipped the ring on my finger "I will take and wear this ring as a sign as faithfulness" luffy said excitedly.

"Okay now you can the bride" the priest said luffy grabbed me by the neck and smashed his lips on mine everyone started cheering around us after a few seconds we let go of each other. Luffy grabbed my hand and swung it up in the air "SHE'S FOREVER OFF THE MARKET" luffy screamed making everything laugh

Me and luffy luffy walked out the room hand and hand while everyone was clapping and cheering.

You're wedding dress:

You're wedding dress:

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Luffy tuxedo:

Luffy tuxedo:

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