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                                   Relief washed over Taehyung as the meeting wrapped up. He excused himself, hastily finishing some work before heading home. Time was tight – he needed to check into the fancy restaurant by 11:45 pm to maximize his chances of staying awake past midnight. 

Traffic, however, had different plans.  An unexpected jam brought his meticulously planned escape to a screeching halt.  Frustration gnawed at him as the clock ticked closer to midnight.  He glanced at his watch – 11:30 pm.  He still had time, but not much.

In a desperate attempt to make it on time, Taehyung spotted a shortcut – a deserted side lane promising a quicker route.  He swerved onto it, hoping for the best.  The narrow street was eerily quiet, bathed in an unnatural silence. 

He slammed on the brakes, his heart pounding in his chest.  His watch displayed a horrifying sight – 11:55 pm.  He'd taken too long, the shortcut a disastrous gamble.  

Panic seized him as the seconds ticked by.  The silence was deafening, broken only by the frantic thudding of his own heart.  At the stroke of midnight, the world dissolved into a blinding white light.

One moment he was gripping the steering wheel, the next, he was standing in a place that sent a jolt of familiarity through him – the college library.  The rows of towering bookshelves, the oak tables, the faint scent of old paper – it was unmistakable. 

He was back.  Back in the alternate universe, back in the body of the computer science professor, Kim Taehyung. 

Before he could fully comprehend his situation, a hand snaked around his waist, pulling him close.  Warm breath tickled his ear.  "Professor Kim," a familiar voice purred.

Taehyung froze, his heart leaping into his throat.  He whipped around, coming face-to-face with none other than Jungkook.  The infuriating student, a mischievous glint in his eyes, had his other hand dangerously close to...

Before Jungkook could go any further, Taehyung reacted with lightning speed. He shoved him away, his voice a furious hiss. "Jeon! What the hell do you think you're doing?!"

Jungkook, unfazed, simply smirked.  "Just showing my favorite professor some affection," he drawled.  "You see, Professor," he continued, his voice dropping to a husky whisper, "while you may keep pushing me away, your body seems to have a different idea."
Fury coursed through Taehyung. This was harassment, plain and simple. But before he could unleash a verbal tirade, he realized something: arguing with Jungkook was a losing battle. The student enjoyed getting a rise out of him, and Taehyung wasn't giving him the satisfaction. He stormed towards the exit, but a hand shot out, grabbing his arm.

"Hold on, Professor," Jungkook drawled, his smirk widening.

Taehyung yanked his arm free, but Jungkook was faster. He shoved Taehyung back, the force sending him crashing into the bookshelves. Stunned, Taehyung found himself pinned against the hard wood, Jungkook's body warm and insistent against his back.

A strangled gasp escaped Taehyung's lips as Jungkook rained kisses down his neck, his touch sending shivers through him. "Jungkook, stop it!" Taehyung gritted his teeth, a low growl building in his throat.

"Why, Professor?" Jungkook murmured, his voice a husky tease. "Don't you like it? Everyone needs a little affection, right?" His hand snaked inside Taehyung's shirt, sending a jolt of electricity through him.

Taehyung shoved back with all his might, his voice trembling with a mix of anger and something else he couldn't quite define. "I said stop! If you don't get off me right now, I'll scream! I'll call security!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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