Chapter 51

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Georgina's pov

Although sex with Jasper was exhilarating, I could not help but feel as if I had betrayed myself and Finn. I had lost my virginity to a man who almost raped me.
My head recollected all the memories I had had with Finn and I found myself missing him.

"Hey; you are so quiet. Is everything okay?" Jasper asked after noticing I was a little lost at breakfast.

"Let her be, maybe she's thinking about your last night and this morning in the shower sex," Kenny spoke and laughed sarcastically.

"Whoa! You slept with him?" A girl I recognized to be from my campus said.
"I am Annie. We go to the same campus. A third year." She introduced herself
"I thought you said Jasper tried to force himself on you ." She added

"No, that was Finn Peterson," Isaac said
"Right, Jas?" He asked
I laid my eyes on Jasper and waited for him to respond. From what I could read from his face, he was looking nervous.

"You know me. I would never force myself on someone. I respect women and more so I respect Gina." Jasper responded while rubbing my hand gently.

"So, you are saying it was Finn Peterson?" Kenny asked

"Mmmh." Jasper nodded his head to mean yes. While everyone else grinned happily, praising Jasper and cursing Finn, my whole world was shuttering down before me. I could not believe what my ears were hearing.

"Excuse me," I spoke softly as I stood up.

"Hey; are you alright?" Jasper asked

"I gotta go. I'll see you around." I said and started walking away. Harvey Martinez rubbed my hand as I walked past him.

"You're a strong woman, Georgina. I am sorry about what Finn Peterson tried on you." Harvey Martinez said

"I have to go," I said and walked away quickly

I sat on the bed inside my allocated room staring at Finn's Instagram pictures. I was crying softly as memories of him warning about Jasper replayed in my mind. I could not help but feel I had chosen wrong.

A few minutes later, Jasper walked in.

"Hey;" Jasper spoke and sat down next to me and grabbed my phone and stared at Finn's photos for a second then placed my phone on the bed after locking the screen.

"You don't have to think about Finn Peterson. I am here with you. Don't you forget that?" Jasper said

"What?" I asked in disbelief

"You know what I mean. I am here with you. Finn abandoned you in the hospital after having you shot but I have always been on your side since you came to me. I am your guy, Gina."

"Don't fucking talk about Finn. You are a fucking psychopath. Why the hell did you say he's the one who tried to force himself on me?"

"You know I couldn't say it was me. I wasn't going to embarrass myself in front of my brother and my cousins. I am not stupid." Jasper responded with a grin on his face.

"What? So you fucking threw Finn under the bus to save yourself from embarrassment?" I asked
"You know the truth, Jas," I added

"Who cares what the truth is? You know what I think?" He asked
"I think the truth is what we believe it to be. I lied about Finn Peterson and I now believe it to be the truth. " He said
"And you should too." He added

"You are insane," I spoke angrily

"Don't let the past ruin what we have now. It's good and I love it and I know you love it too." Jasper said, leaned closer to me, and kissed me. I pushed him away and slapped him.

"Finn, Marcus, and my friends warned me about you. I should have listened to them. You are so fucking crazy and I hate you." I spoke rapidly and angrily
"I am so stupid. I have to go home and apologize to Finn." I added
Jasper groaned angrily.

"I knew you would always go running back to him but I don't care. I won. I took your virginity. I was your first. He wasn't." Jasper said, and I found myself sobbing again.
I started packing my bags hurriedly and once I was done, I stormed out of the room crying. In the living room, I found everyone standing and from their glares, I knew they heard my argument with Jasper.

"Sorry." Harvey Martinez mumbled at me. I ignored him and continued walking, at the door, Kenny turned the camera to me.

"Say goodbye, Georgina. You can't just storm out." Kenny said

"Watch me," I responded in a raised voice stormed out, and slammed the door behind me.

I dragged my suitcase out of the Martinez residence and waited on the road for a taxi.
One hour later, I was still standing by the roadside and there was no single cab that had stopped for me. In desperation, I settled on going home on a bus. I hopped down and sat down with my earphones on. Music was the only thing that was going to help me through a two-hour drive on a public bus.

# Author's pov

It was exactly 8 pm when Marcus Davis walked inside June's coffee shop. Listening to the approaching footsteps, June raised her head from the store books that she was skimming through. When her eyes locked with Marcus's, she groaned angrily and then stood up.

"You got a lot of guts showing up here." She spoke after she closed the distance between them.

"Hey;" Marcus spoke nervously and then cleared his throat.
"I know you don't wanna see but...

"You are right, I don't want to see you. You are the last person I would fucking want to see. Get the hell out of my shop." June spoke angrily

"I wanna apologize. Please listen to me."

"Why should I?" June asked

"Because I like you and I chose you. I want to be with you."

"Whoa! You do?" June spoke in a sarcastic tone and then laughed out loud.
"You don't. If you did, you wouldn't have gotten another woman in your bed after you asked me to move in. " She added


"You need to go figure your shit together, Marcus and when you do, maybe we can go back to being friends. As for now get the hell out." June said and opened the door for him. Marcus walked out.

"Whoa!, Gee," June exclaimed shockingly after Georgina walked in after Marcus disappeared
"What the hell are you doing here? You just missed Marcus."

"I didn't miss him. I saw his car outside and so I hid behind the shop. I didn't want him to see me." Georgina responded

"Ooh, I guess I am not the only one who's mad at him," June said and walked in. Georgina walked in right after her.

"I am closing up, do you want to come home with me and tell me what's going on with you?" June asked

"Or we could just go hang at the bar and have some drinks. I need a drink." Georgina responded

"I too would use a drink," June said
Forty minutes later, June pulled over at a bar that they used to hang out and both hopped down the car and then walked inside. Walking to the counter, June asked the bartender to pour two tequila shots for them.
The bartender poured the shots and both proceeded to drink them.

"Now you get the full glasses." The bartender said poured some more tequila in two big glasses.
June and Georgina grabbed them and continued to sit down on an empty table that was just beside the counter.

"So, what's going on with you? Aren't you supposed to be out on a vacation at Raven's lake house?" June asked

"Ooh ! Fuck!" Georgina exclaimed

"What?" June asked

"Look at the booth." She responded
June turned her head to see the booth and that's when she spotted Finn Peterson sitting down with Gordon, Nicole, and the boys.

"Ooh, Fuck!" June exclaimed shockingly

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