Never to die, but at the cost of your humanity.

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*11 years after the events of the main PMMM timeline pre-Rebellion, Major divergence from canon.*

She stared at the grave mockery of humanity she created, Feeling the urge to hit herself for defiling your corpse with machinery but quickly telling herslef it had to be done to ensure you werent forever gone.

The stench of decay attacks her senses as she gazes upon your corpse held against the wall by wires, tubes, and magic.

all to keep you from the brink of death but at the cost of being in near constant agony due to the multi wires and tubes stuck inside your body to pump the needed substances to keep you from death's cold grasp.

She approached and laid a hand upon your downward facing face, rubbing her thumb across the metal plating covering your eyes and across your rotten lips. Oh how she wished to see your bright, green eyes once more, wishing that they weren't lost with most of your body.

Deep in her thoughts she fails to notice the lights or screens flickering.

The screens along with the lights flicker for a few moments before shutting off,

Leaving her shrouded in darkness for a few moments before everything suddenly turns back on,

The lights the screens and whatever else could be powered on.

Including you, You slowly lift your head with great difficulty as your body is given it's needed substances. [Does your sanity not dwindle with each day you keep my decaying body wired to this machine? Or have you truly gone mad knowing i cannot be restore?]

She sighed silently and looked away at the man that once breathed the same air as her. [I do what i must to bring you back.] She said so simply, with a matter of fact tone as she pulled her hand away from your face.

[Does that include sacrificing your fellow Mahou Shoujo? Like you did with Mami when she found about my tormented existence? or how about whe-]

[Enough!] She demanded, Fists balled in anger as you attempted to bring up the heinous things she's done to other magical girls including Mami in an attempt to restore you.

[Their sacrifices HAVE helped you, It's just not enou-]

[Madoka would be ashamed of you, As am I.]

Without a word she exits the chamber, not wanting to hear another word knowing it'll just be a waste of precious time she could be using on finding out a way to fix you...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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