[6] ~ Craving for salmon daikon

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Please leave votes and comments. I would love to read them! Also I put on the mature warning this story because I forgot that I planned a smut for it. Dw I'll warn ppl who doesn't want to read it when that time comes and it doesn't affect the story if you skip it.


"Now that I think about it, weren't we supposed to—no! It's good that we don't have to do that. Let's keep quiet and never remind him." She felt a blush creeping on to her cheeks as she stared at the man sleeping not too far from her.

"Gah! Stop blushing!"

Lucky for her, Giyu was deep asleep (dead to the world, even) enough to not hear his new wife *silently* screaming and kicking her feet in apparent panic.

Shinobu finally fell asleep in another half hour due to her tiredness from either walking up the mountain or panicking earlier. Pick one.

The morning sun finally ascended once again as the villagers got up to perform their duties around the village. Conversations and laughter are finally being heard, though in another village not so far away, instead of laughter, there was a scream.


The scream was heard throughout this occupier's garden as the people around her covered their ears, hoping they could at least save some of their hearing.

"Tanjiro, is this true?!" The woman dropped her teacup in surprise, though someone managed to catch it before it could shatter against the wooden floor.

"It's true, Miss Kanae..." Tanjiro's face turned panicked, holding onto her sister's hand as a comfort.

"My sister... She got turned into that old man's victim too." Kanae sighed, holding her head in her hands. "At least she got married to a good man, but still... my dearest little sister, our parents must be blaming themselves for this too."

"I wouldn't consider that tengu 'good'." Her husband beside her huffed in annoyance.

"Sanemi, please." Kanae glared at her husband, who went still under his wife's stern voice.

She looked back at the Kamados once again. "Thank you for telling me this, Tanjiro and Nezuko. I will pay my sister a visit as soon as possible. My poor sister must be in so much distress right now."

The siblings simply nodded, acknowledging her words as Kanae frowned at her husband.

"Sanemi, you and Giyu are in the Yokai representative group together. Why didn't you tell me about this?" She asked, glaring at the white-haired man beside her.

"I didn't think it was important, and besides, it's not like we know the names of girls who were supposed to come here. We only discussed who the man was to be married to her. Hell, I didn't even know your name until the confirmation we received from the head of the village the week before. Also, I don't want to be associated with that bastard." Sanemi threw his hands up in defence.

"Well, unlucky for you, Mister Sanemi; big brother Giyu is now your brother-in-law." Said Nezuko with a cheeky smile plastered on her face.

"Shut up, you; don't remind me." He glared at her.

Kanae ignored them and continued the conversation with Tanjiro. "My apologies, Tanjiro, and thank you for coming all the way here yourself. You could've gotten one of the crows to send us the message, you know."

"I know, but I thought it would be better if I did it in person; besides, I wanted to see..." Tanjiro's face flushed red, while Kanae gave him a knowing smile.

"Kanao is where she normally is." Tanjiro laughed nervously before walking away, leaving his sister to argue with the angry man while Kanae made sure they didn't take it too far.

Meanwhile, on the Tomioka estate, Shinobu has finally woken up. The ravenette-haired woman squinted her eyes as the sun rays streamed brightly through the windows.

She groaned, trying her best to lift up her aching body from the comfort of her futon. From the corners of her eyes, she noticed that her husband's futon had disappeared.

"What time even is it?" She asked no one.

Eventually she got up and neatly folded her futons to be put back into the cupboard that they belonged in. Yawning as she stretches her body, trying to revive some of her muscles.

"I hope I won't get lost in this gigantic house." She sighed, pushing her body out the door, trying to find the washroom, but was then hit by an aromatic scent.

Drooling, she changed her destination to the direction of where the scent had come from instead.

Her eyes went wide open as she found a dark-haired man cooking in the kitchen. She stared at his fingers as he delicately placed a salmon into one of the bowls.

"Is that salmon daikon?" She suddenly asked. Giyu jumped, startled by her voice.

"For breakfast?" She asked again. Giyu slowly nodded.

"...I was craving it." He simply said. Shinobu felt one of her brain cells slowly disappearing.

"I had a dream about it, so when I woke up, I decided to make some." Shinobu was face-palming at her new husband.

"Of course. Is that your favourite dish, Mister Tomioka?" She asked, stumbling closer to the man to observe him.

"Yes." He replied, still concentrating on his cooking. Shinobu hummed in response.

"I hope you made me some too. I would like to taste your cooking. It smells delicious." She sat down at the dining table, watching as he plated their breakfast.

It's a shame that his back was facing her, she could've gotten to see his slight smile for his salmon daikon.

After Giyu was done, the two ate in silence, with Shinobu complimenting his cooking. She could have sworn that she saw his eyes sparkle at her words.

It might be a trick of the light.

"Kanao!" Tanjiro yelled, his hand frantically waving in the air, startling a young girl who was quietly relaxing on the porch.

"T-Tanjiro. Good morning." The girl stuttered, her face slowly turning red. Tanjiro smiled brightly, excited for her.

He quickly sat down beside the quiet girl and observed the scattered snowflakes surrounding her. His eyes sparkled with fascination.

"I hope you're feeling well today, Kanao."

"I am." The girl replied; her quiet voice almost made him miss her words.

"Well, I'm glad!" He chuckled.

"Um, why are you here today, Tanjiro?" Kanao asked, curious about his business at her home.

"I came to see Miss Kanae. Has she ever told you that she has a younger sister?" He asked. Kanao tilted her head upward, seeming to recall something.

"Yes, she had. Shinobu is her name, isn't it?" Tanjiro nodded, shuffling closer to the girl.

"I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you this yet, but Shinobu was selected to be Miss Giyu's bride." He tilted his head towards her. Kanao's eyes widened after his words.

"Really?" Her voice went high, almost cracking as she asked. Tanjiro nodded.

"Yes, she just arrived yesterday. Mister Giyu seemed to like her, so I hope their marriage will be well."

Kanao turned her head towards the garden and said, "That's good to know that he likes her. I've only met Mister Giyu once or twice, but I always thought that he's the kind of man who... doesn't like women as much as a man should." She scratched her cheek nervously while Tanjiro burst out in laughter.

"He's just very awkward, that's all." Said Tanjiro after calming down. "He's like this with men too; don't worry. That's just the kind of person he is."

Kanao nodded absently. "If you say so, Tanjiro."

"Are you warm?" Tanjiro asked, observing her reddish face.

"Yes. I could never get used to this kind of weather, no matter how much I tried." She quickly wiped the sweat on her face with her sleeves, but Tanjiro stopped her before she could do more.

He took a handkerchief from the inside of his sleeves and started gently wiping her face. He accidentally got close to her enough for his exhale to tickle her skin.

"Of course you wouldn't get used to it; you are a winter yokai after all."

"Right, of course." Her face went glum when Tanjiro turned away to put his handkerchief back.

"I haven't seen Genya today; where is he?"

"He had gone to visit Mister Gyomei and the Tokito twins."

"Well, this was just delightful! Who knew you could prepare quite a delicious meal?"

"What's so surprising about that?" Giyu deadpanned.

"Nothing. I guess it's the stereotype that rich people couldn't really do housework with their maids, I suppose." She smiled, standing to gather their bowls.

"I'm not that rich." He denied.

"Said the man living in a big mansion. How do you even clean this whole place? I haven't seen any maids." She walked over to the sink and placed the bowls in the washing basin.

"I live here alone, and I cleaned the house by myself just fine. Besides, you're here now; you could help me." Giyu stood up from his seat and went to wipe the bowls dry.

Shinobu felt as if her head was going to explode from annoyance. "Is that so? If I have to guess, could that be the reason you wanted a wife?" She poked his arm teasingly.

"Ne-ne, Mister Tomioka. I'm not really good with house chores; how about you divorce me? I promise I'll find you a wife who is better at cleaning and cooking than me. What do you say?"

"No..." He refused, "I'm good. I wanted you and no one else."




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