Chapter Twenty Eight

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"What are you doing?" Lando appeared behind her, placing his hands on her shoulders and making her jump. She'd been so lost in her own world she hadn't heard him coming.

"Oh uh... just writing something down." She said, quickly locking her phone and shoving it back in her pocket. "You ready to go?"

He nodded, holding out his hand. "Your track walk awaits!"

She laughed quietly and he led her out of the hospitality, calling out a few goodbyes to McLaren staff here and there as he went.

The two of them ambled along the track, Lando occasionally stopping to point something out or explain something about the way he'd drive around a corner that made very little sense to her, but she loved watching how animated he got talking about it. She could sense his excitement building for the race.

They'd been walking in a comfortable silence for a few moments when she decided to just blurt it out. She felt uneasy keeping secrets from him. "I spoke to Joe earlier."

"And?" He asked calmly. "What did he want?"

She looked at him in surprise, she'd been expecting a more dramatic reaction.

"Hannah, you were in a relationship with the guy for years and you've obviously still got a lot of questions about what happened. I'm not expecting you to cut all contact with him." He reassured her. "What did he want?"

Hannah laughed quietly, he'd taken this bit well but she wasn't so sure he was going to stay so calm about the next part. "He wanted me to help Cassie get another job. Apparently the way things ended and the post Charlotte wrote about us having split, not saying it was on good terms. It's making her life difficult." She rolled her eyes.

"You're not going to do it are you?" He asked cautiously. She could see the barely contained anger simmering just below the surface on his face.

"Of course I'm not! I told him to piss off." She cried in disbelief that he actually thought she might. "All that bullshit about how sad she is and how she didn't mean it. I don't think either of them is in a position to be telling me they're sad after what they did."

"Okay okay." He laughed, holding his hands up in mock surrender. "I was just checking. I never know with you, you're always surprising me."

He reached down and took her hand again, the two of them continuing their slow wander along the track. "Lily said you'd had a good time together?"

Hannah smiled and nodded. "Yeah, she's great. Probably never wants to see me again after she listened to me waffle on all day but it really helped me get my head straight and decide what I want to do."

"That sounds ominous." He raised an eyebrow.

"The label suggested I release a second version of the new album, the version I actually wanted to put out in the first place before Cassie started vetoing everything." She explained. "I've already recorded most of the songs I would want to use the first time around and I've got a couple more I'd maybe like to add but I don't think it would be that much work."

He was quiet for a moment, thinking about it. "I think it's a good idea, I've seen you scribbling away every time I turn my back. I know you've been writing."

"Guilty." She admitted. "I'm going to wait until after the tour is done though. They wanted me to do it before but I think it's probably better to do one step at a time."

"Are you going to let me hear them at some point?" He asked, nodding in agreement. He relaxed a little knowing that she wasn't about to throw herself head first into a new project.

"Win the race for me this weekend and I'll play you anything you like." She winked.

"I'm holding you to that." He grinned, pulling her in closer so he could kiss her.

I can do it with a broken heart (Lando Norris)Where stories live. Discover now