Chapter 6: Eight

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Becky's POV

After being caught staring at her room, I felt embarrassed to face Freen. But I had no choice because we went to the same school and she was my classmate.

As I walked through the school hallway, I couldn't help but overhear the gossip from a group of girls in another section. Their words stung as they labeled me as "Miss Anti-Social of the Year".

"Hi, Miss Anti-Social," Girl No. 1 said, followed by laughter from the group.

"Seriously, does she ever talk to anyone?" Girl No. 2 asked, raising her eyebrows as she glanced at me.

"I heard she doesn't even have friends in her own class," Girl No. 3 taunted.

Despite feeling embarrassed and hurt, I tried to ignore their words and focus on walking to our room.

Still trying to ignore them, I noticed Freen, standing in front of our room.

As I tried to ignore the mean girls' comments, I noticed Freen's annoyance. It's reflected in her expression.

To my surprise, she walked past me and confronted the mean girls.

"Hi, may I know why the three of you are bothering Becky?" she asked, attempting a smile.

"Oh... who are you? Well, we're just stating the truth. She's anti-social, right, girls?" Girl No. 1 replied to Freen. Collectig suport from her friends.

"Could you please stop mocking Becky? Do you have lot of spare time to bully others?" Freen's tone was now serious.

"Why do you care? She's like, a nobody here, like a ghost" Girl no. 2 retorted.

"No! She's a person, just like you and me. And she doesn't deserve to be treated like this simply because she's quiet," Freen stated firmly.

"Why do you care? We're just having some fun. She never talks to anyone anyway," Girl No. 3 said defensively.

"Maybe she doesn't talk because she just wants peace. Maybe if you showed her kindness instead of mocking her, you'd see she's actually pretty cool," Freen said, still defending me.

The girls exchanged uncertain glances, starting to get annoyed with Freen.

I immediately grabbed Freen's arm and pulled her away from the three because I could sense Freen getting annoyed too.

"Let's go" I said urging her to leave.

"Who are you anyway?!" the mean girl shouted after us as we walked away.

Freen stopped, hesitating to respond.
Eventually, she turned to face them again, then glanced at me before answering them. "I'm... I'm her friend!"

"Tsk, friend? Let's see to that!" the girl retorted as they walked away, leaving Freen and me alone in the hallway, just outside our classroom.

Conflicted, I didn't know how to feel. Should I be grateful to Freen for stepping in or annoyed because I didn't want any drama?

But I found myself frustrated that Freen had drawn attention from the mean girls and potential bullies, potentially redirecting their focus onto her instead of me.

"Becky, are you okay? Sorry if I said that we were friends without your approval. I just want to--," she started to say with concern, but I cut her off.

"Can you just ignore them or not interfere when they say things about me?" I said firmly, feeling annoyed.

"Also, please mind your own business," I added seriously before quickly entering the room.

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