Forest Haven Arc: Chapter 125

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==Getting a bounty==

Five more days pass, which makes the stay in Uragin an entire week, and our group gathers at the Torii gates that mark the entrance to the village, right in the first rays of the sun. Raiden and Horuteph look at a map, displayed by Shurui, while Ketsuki leans onto a tree.

Erika appears all cheery behind the boys and scares Horuteph: “Hey guys! Whatcha doing?”

Atsume is still very sleepy and practically sleepwalks over to Ketsuki.

Raiden answers: “We’re looking for the fastest route to the capital. You know, we wanted to save Yafumi-chan.”

Erika is slightly annoyed: “Why do you think I forgot?”

Raiden then asks: “You looked really happy. Why is that?”

Erika explains with a smirk: “I just can’t wait to show off my cool new hammer! I really got the miracle material I hoped for and I’m not gonna waste it!”

Raiden replies: “Nice! I can’t wait for your explanation on how it works. As you might know, I wanna know everything.”

Raiden looks like he is bragging.

Shitsuke also strolls along together with Warumi: “Morning guys!”

Erika turns to them and falls into Warumi’s arms, shouting: “Lady-chan!”

Warumi is a bit overwhelmed and apologizes: “Sorry that I couldn’t go and see you guys. I was busy at our temporary home here.”

Erika replies: “Oh don’t you worry about that. We’ll get another chance to talk someday.”

Ketsuki asks Atsume quietly: “Made any progress in finding your powers?”

Atsume is surprised that she got asked something by Ketsuki and replies hastily: “Yes! I mean… not entirely… I didn’t find them but… I made progress!”

The group gets going and leaves Shitsuke and Warumi behind.

Atsume asks herself, blushing: “Oh my god he asked me something! Could it be that he’s interested in me now?!”

Ketsuki on the other hand thinks excited: “I made progress! My communication skills are getting better!”

Back at the palace, the right-hand man of King Yamada Dragonclaw tells him: “Your majesty, it has come to me that the group of bounty hunters that kidnapped the princess has survived and is now on the way to, I quote, ‘Save Yafumi-chan’.”

The king is surprised: “Hah? How would they have survived? Those humans are very frail and inferior creatures.”

The right hand explains: “Some of my men went to investigate the turmoil in that abandoned, southeastern city and on the way, they found the place where you defeated those kidnappers and found it was empty. Not even the slightest remains of those people which is nothing like the story you told me. My men then looked around and found them in Uragin-“

“Damn! Those annoying eyesores! I’ll impose a bounty on those fuckers so they won’t bother me anymore!”, Yamada interrupts them.

Far far away, on another planet, someone storms into an office, shouting: “Leader! Leader, you have to see this!”

The leader looks up from his desk and asks annoyed: “What?”

The someone explains: “There’s a high bounty on some unknown bounty hunters that just popped up and it’s from a king who says that they aren’t strong!”

The leader slams his fist on the desk and shouts: “Some quickly made money always gets me motivated!”

He stands up and you can see a lot of mechanical components that make up his body.

He declares: “I’ll go alone! If any of you try to steal my money, you’re fucked!”

On another planet, a man in a detective suit and with a thick mustache walks through a rather unmodern, foggy alley and gets a notification for a new bounty. He opens it up and whistles.

A hellhound girl comes from behind and asks excitedly: “What is it master!?”

She licks his face and he has to push her away: “Well I just found a real bargain. Let’s go there.”

The hellhound girl replies: “Okay master! But can I have some meat first? I'm hungy!”

On a third planet, a guy with red skin in a white suit holds someone else up by his neck.

One of his subordinates shows him: “Bael-san, a hot bounty just came in. Easy to catch and a lot of money.”

Bael lets the man he was holding up freeze and then drops him, so he shatters into thousands of pieces.

Without a change in his expression, he declares: “I’ll go check that out. Money like that always has a catch so I’m going alone instead of endangering any of you.”

“But Bael-san, you always do that.”, his subordinate replies, “That’s why everyone knows the Erebos army better.”

Bael pulls a phone out of his pocket and calls someone: “Hey Erebos, guess how I’m gonna get more publicity than you.”

Erebos, a Supredou man, replies with an excited voice: “You’re gonna catch that Lightning Fist, yeah yeah.”

Bael notices: “Wait! You’re already on the way! I’d hear your loud-as-hell ship from a thousand light years away, you little shit!”

Erebos replies: “That’s right! I was originally on the way to look for what happened to that Chameous guy in my lowest ranks but then, luckily, I’ve got an actual reason to go ther-"

Bael hangs up by subconsciously crushing his phone out of anger: “That damn asshole! He’s just lucky but then always brags to me how he’s more renowned than me!”

Inside a slightly familiar ship, a masked man also finds out about the new bounties and asks himself: “Wasn’t that…?”

He then taps around on his interface to change the course of his ship and puts on the boost.


Lots of bounty hunters are now hunting for our crew! That's real bad news! But then again, Fukami is coming too! He knew something about 'The man from Nowhere'!

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