chapter two

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Carli's POV

I lived in a small town in Northern California so it didn't take long to get to Oregon. I liked how the beaches were pretty clean and how much green was around us. Jordan said that every state we went to we would stay at a hotel for a night or two and just roam around and check out the state. I don't know how they all had the money for this. I guess since Michael's dad owned Holiday Inn we weren't going to have to pay for hotels.

Michaels other friends Ashton and Luke seemed pretty cool but I haven't really had a chance to talk to them since we were driving forever. Luke was pretty cute and so was Ashton and also Calum... Calum looked kind of Asian because of his squinty eyes but was like really tall and buff. I had to admit he was pretty hot.

I stand at a short 5'2 and and It felt like there were Giants all around me. I think Luke was the tallest just because of the quiff on his head. He was really quiet and gave off an innocent vibe. I wanted to get to know him and make him less innocent if you know what I mean. luckily he didn't bring a girl along so I could get closer to him.

We stopped at the hotel to get situated and think about what we were going to do first. I wanted to go to the beach and I guess Luke did too because that was the first thing he suggested.

"or we could go look around in all the shops." Jordan said

"no that's boring lets just go to the beach" Ashton said . we all agreed on that and got changed and we all headed out.

as soon as we got to the beach I everyone was stripping and running to the water. Luke wasn't really sprinting to the water but just standing there with shirt still on.

"why aren't you getting in the water yet?" I asked because I really wanted to see him shirtless man. like really bad.

"I'm not really comfortable with taking my shirt off." he replied

"why not? you're pretty hot and look like you have a nice body." once the words left my mouth I instantly turned five shades of red. I didn't mean to say it but Luke found it amusing.

"you think I'm hot?" Luke said

"well... umm. yeah I ugh..." I didn't really know how to respond.

"well I think you're pretty hot yourself."

wow where was his new found confidence coming from. I just sat in the sand still slightly embarrassed until Calum told me to get off my ass and go swim with them.

I'm writing this on my phone so sorry for any errors and it's really short bc I'm going to try and do daily updates but idk yet. Also Carli's character is suppose to look like Mia Mitchell

road trip// calum hoodOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora