Anything for little Osc

502 15 6

People: Oscar, Lando

Ages: Oscar (physically 22, mentally 3), Lando (23)

AN: This was an idea from @Xiaoyuan365 . I'm sorry if I didn't write your request, but this one seemed the most interesting and easiest to write to me. Hope you all enjoy nevertheless 

- POV Lando -

I was humming a song that had been stuck in my head all day long. Today was a good day, as I had finished on the podium, but the team hadn't had a perfect weekend. Oscar had gotten into a pretty nasty crash, but luckily, he got cleared in the medical centre. I entered the debriefing room, taking a seat next to Will and across from Oscar's chair, which was still vacant. He came into the room a while later. "Hey mate, how you doing after the crash? Are you okay?", I asked him. To my surprise, Oscar didn't really give a conclusive answer. Instead, he just nodded before seemingly zoning out. I frowned but decided to focus on the meeting instead.

Throughout the whole debrief, Oscar was constantly zoning out, fidgeting and he seemed insecure and unusually quiet. Immediately after Andrea called the end of the race debrief, I wanted to find Oscar and ask whether he was okay or not. My guess was that it may have been anxiety he was dealing with, as that had bothered me in my first season as well. I was a bit disappointed to find Oscar's chair empty and no sign of the man himself. I decided to go to the one place he'd most likely be: his driver room.

I sped down the stairs and to the right door, before knocking. There was no answer, so I knocked again. "Oscar?", I asked through the door. When I was once again met with silence from the Australian, I opened the door and stepped in, relieved to find Oscar in his room. He was laying on the couch, but I frowned when I approached and noticed something odd. Was that a pacifier? And what about that stuffed animal? I stood there for a bit, dumbfounded, before I realized what this could be. I had heard about age regression before, and considering Oscar had a difficult past, I figured he might be using it as a coping mechanism.

Oscar was laying there, sucking on the pacifier and clutching the stuffed penguin close to his chest. His eyes were closed and tears were leaking out, broken sobs filling the room. "Oscar?", I asked, grabbing a chair and sitting down next to the couch. Oscar flinched when he heard my voice and tried to pull his pacifier out, as well as hiding his penguin stuffy. "Oscar, hey, no need to hide that. If it helps you, then why hide it? I don't judge", I reassured him. Oscar still seemed on edge, his crying not ceasing yet.

"Oscar, what can I do for you?". There was no reaction from the younger driver, so I decided to offer some options. "I'm going to give some options. Just nod or shake your head, yeah?". This time, I received a small nod, which was a huge victory at this stage. "Good. Would you like me to get someone for you?". An immediate and unmistakable shake of his head. "Okay, would you like me to comfort you then? Maybe care for you a little?". There was a long period of hesitation, before a small nod followed. I decided I needed to slowly gain his trust in his incredibly vulnerable state and try to learn more about this younger version of my teammate.

"How old do you feel right now?", I asked him, to which he showed me 3 fingers. "Alright, a toddler then. And what's your little name?". "Osc", he whispered, to which I smiled. "Okay Osc, just be yourself. I will take care of you". Slowly, his tears dried up and he showed me a small, innocent, soft smile. I moved to the couch and put Oscar on my lap. "Is okay? Do you like this?". "Yeah", he whispered. I decided to treat him like any toddler and started rocking him back and forth, gently shushing him.

"Petey and binky", Oscar then said. I immediately realized his 'binky' was his pacifier and Petey must be his penguin's name. I handed him his penguin as soon as I saw it. "Is this Petey?". Again, another nod. Regressed Oscar wasn't very talkative, it seemed. "Binky", he whined again. I was searching for the comfort item, but because he had thrown it away in a panic earlier, it wasn't easy to find. Then, I spotted it on the floor, in a corner of the room. I picked it up and blew all the dust from it, running it under the tap to clean any access bacteria off, before holding it in front of his mouth. Oscar opened his mouth and I put the pacifier between his lips.

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