Chapter Twelve

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A week had already passed by. Every day, I do the same things. Wake up, dress, breakfast, garden, lunch, read, supper, and then library. Sleep, rinse, repeat. And every day, my conversations with Jack became more and more flirty. I planned to ask Kian if I could go out tonight with Jack. I’d take however many guards allowed it so long as I could leave this house for a few hours. It was the weekend, and Jack had invited me out to some nightclub he frequented. I didn’t know if I’d even enjoy that large of a crowd, but I was desperate to get out of this house for even a few hours.

I didn’t know how to dress for a nightclub. I tore through my armoire and found a small black dress with thin straps. It was a little skimpy for my taste, but it was the only thing that seemed appropriate for the setting. I found some heels that matched, but I had never worn heels before. I didn’t wanna embarrass myself, but I couldn’t opt for my old ratty converse unless I chose a completely different outfit. I tried on the heels. The couldn’t have been taller than two inches. And they weren’t so bad.

I shucked them off, and carried them with me to the library. No Silas tonight, thankfully. He glanced up at me and then did a double take. What looked like desire flickered in his eyes, but I didn’t let it phase me. I got straight to the point. “Jack invited me out tonight. If it’s alright with you, I’d like to go.” He stared at me for a moment, and his jaw ticked. “I don’t think it’s safe for you to be out, Wren.” I started to protest, but he held up his hand, his face filled with regret. Undoubtedly from his dismissal last week. “You can go, but Silas will be there. Along with two guards that will personally escort you.”

I beamed, said my thanks, and nearly ran to my room to get my small purse. Two guards waited for me at the elevator. I sent Jack a text to tell him I was on my way once I stepped out of the elevator. The car ride there was over almost as soon as it started. Close to Kian’s house. Must be why he wasn’t too reluctant on letting me go. And Silas was also here, apparently. I didn’t understand what purpose he would serve other than getting on my nerves. But I didn’t study it too hard. I was here to have fun.

I stepped out of the car, shoes now on my feet, and took a steady step. Not too bad with heels. Yet, anyway. Jack was waiting beside a bouncer at the front of a very long line. Which earned me some sneers, as I was able to skip the whole thing. Jack pulled me into a hug, and then he kissed my cheek. “I’m so glad you could make it,” he said loudly, as he pulled me behind him inside the club. It was so loud in here, I could hardly hear my own thoughts. This place seemed smaller from the outside.

Black walls, black curtains, red carpet donned the couches and chairs. The ceiling was vaulted, and I noticed a second loft-type story and wondered where the stairs were to get up there. The music playing was an upbeat techno type of music. Lasers flashed all over the place. Red, blue, green, white. Everyone was dancing, bouncing, grinding on one another. A few vampires fed in the darkened shadows. If I didn’t know any better, it looked sexual, the feeding. It sent a tingle down my spine to watch. I tried not to let my eyes linger for too long, but it was almost… Entrancing.

I could tell the vampires from the humans without even getting a good look at them. The vampires danced with such speed, they almost seemed to vibrate. I was taking it all in when Jack said, “Can I get you anything to drink?” His voice boomed over the loud music. I’d never drunk alcohol before. “Uh, sure. Anything’s fine!” I had to pretty much yell so he could hear me. I prayed he’d pick something that at least tasted good. I watched him closely with my drink. I had seen enough t.v. to know what a roofie was.

He handed me my drink and I took a sip. I didn’t know what it was, but it wasn’t bad. I could taste a small hint of something strong in it and assumed that was the alcohol. “Follow me, don’t get lost.” he said into my ear, his warm breath sent a shiver down my spine. I followed suit, holding on to the tail of his shirt. He looked absolutely gorgeous in his black slacks and fitted button-up shirt. Everything he wore was black. Down to his belt and socks. We sat at a small table secluded away from the dance floor. I studied him a bit closer and that’s when I noticed the tattoos on his neck. He’d been wearing a hoodie the day I met him in the market and apparently did a good job at hiding his artwork.

“I’m glad I could finally get you out of the house,” he said, as he scooted a little bit closer to me. I smiled, “Me too.” I didn’t tell him where I was staying or why or anything personal about me. Not really out of fear for my life. Mostly just because it was embarrassing. Twenty years old and I have zero life experience. I had opened my mouth to tell him thanks for inviting me when I felt someone slide into the booth next to me. I took another sip of my drink as I turned to face Silas. I groaned, “What do you want?” He took the drink from my hand and downed it.

Jack’s eyes widened, and then narrowed. “Your friend here seems to have lost something in your drink.” What? I started to protest, but Jack began to slide out of the seat. Silas’s face turned sinister, “Not a chance,” he said, tilting his chin up at the shadows near Jack where a large figure soon emerged. It looked like it was one of the bodyguards, but I couldn’t tell. My vision began to get fuzzy. I realized then that it was true. Jack had slipped something into my drink.

I shot Silas a horrified look, which only seemed to fuel him even more. The bodyguard grabbed Jack and dragged him away. Silas pulled me up out of the seat and cradled me like a baby in his arms. I had only taken a few sips of the drink. I could only imagine how I would feel if I had downed the whole thing. Which is what Silas did. I wondered why he was still standing when I remembered he was a vampire. “Don’t worry, I’m getting you home.” Home. To that giant house on the even more giant hill. Where Kian lives. Where I live too.

I must have passed out, because I awoke in my bed. Still clothed in that small dress. My head was pounding. I rolled over and found two pills, a glass of water, and a note that said “Take these, and finish the glass.” I recognized it as Kian’s handwriting from the last two notes he left me. I was drugged. Jack drugged me. I spewed vomit all over the floor. Within an instant, Kian was in my room. He crossed the floor and sat next to me on the bed. He rubbed my back gently.

I reached for the pills, took them, and downed the water. I tried to stand to go to the bathroom and wash the vomit taste from my mouth, but my legs wouldn’t move. I let out a small whimper, and Kian’s face turned murderous. “Never again,” he growled. I’d never leave this house again. My eyes were burning with tears, but I blinked them back. “Please Ki,” I slurred, “Please don’t keep me loc–” I puked again. His face softened. He looked sad. He carried me to the bathroom and turned on the shower. He propped me against the door and peeled off my dress and then my panties. He picked me up again and stepped in the shower with me. Fully clothed.

I felt like hell, but this helped. He sat behind me while I sat between his legs. He let the cool water run on my body, and then he lathered some shampoo in his hands and began washing my hair. He massaged my scalp for a few minutes before allowing the water to rinse me off. I was feeling much better, but I let him continue. He bathed me and helped me stand, so I could rinse off. When I turned around to face him, he was naked. I stepped aside silently so he could rinse off.

He helped me out of the shower, dried me off, and then himself. He helped me put on a thin robe. I grabbed my brush from the counter, but he gently took it from my hands and began brushing the knots out of my hair. By this time, the dizziness was almost fully gone. No one had ever done this for me. Never this attentive or gentle. “Thank you,” I said, my voice raspy and hoarse. His eyes met mine, and some kind of emotion flashed across his face that I couldn’t quite tell what it was. But it looked a lot like sadness.

He looked away and finished brushing my hair, “This is my fault.” I rolled my eyes, “I can’t stay in this house forever. It’s not you–” His eyes snapped up to meet mine again and this time, I recognized the emotion etched on his face. He was angry. “I’m talking about you leaving the house.” My brows knitted together. He sighed. “I’ve rejected you. More than once. And in turn, you sought the attention you didn’t get from me, from someone else. If I had taken you the very same night you came here, Jack wouldn’t have even caught your eye at that market.” My breath hitched in my throat at the thought of him taking me at any point. But I remembered the promise I had made to myself, and brushed it off.

He's right, the rejection had pushed me to seek someone else out. And this whole night was over before it even started. So it was all for nothing, anyway. I sighed, and decided to change the subject.

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