Chapter 21

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May I?

Alexander's POV:

Mily and Chloe went out for 'nature's call' according to Mily. Soon Chloe came alone and walked towards me and asked if I have Mily's bag. I nodded at her and was about to hand her the bag but her phone rang and face turned pale. I asked her if she was okay, she nodded and said it was her mom on the phone and smiled at me asked if I can take the bag to Mily, I nodded at her she thanked me and went to receive her call.

I soon went out, only to find Mily standing outside and as soon I reached her, she just opened the bag and removed her sanitary pad and went inside. I waited out for her. She soon finished her business and came out. I asked her if her stomach was aching because whenever Avery is on her period, she gets very bad cramps and she still does. Mily started fumbling on her words and I asked if she was uncomfortable and she screamed no. I internally chuckled at her flustered state.

When we reached the sunset point, everyone was enjoying and I noticed that Emily was nowhere near us so I started looking for her only to find she was a little behind us I reached her and asked if it was hurting and she said she'll manage. I offered to give her a piggy back ride but she declined and we had a fight. At the end I had to pick or more like throw her on my shoulder.

She screamed my name and the other looked at our direction and started walking towards us I shook my head telling them not to come here but will they listen; no. Chloe realized the situation and handled the situation and this crazy woman started wiggling and I wanted to hit my head on some rock nearby. She accepted my offer and let me carry her she also fed me Pringles and my inner mind mocked me 'fed you or was forced to feed you' and I just ignored it.

We reached the house but as soon as we entered Amandine mocked Emily and I didn't like it and put Amandine in her place and carried Emily and made her sit on the bed and went inside to fill the bathtub for Emily. I came out and told Emily to take a shower and made my way towards Noah's room. Riley and Liam were also present. They told me that they had something important to tell me so I sat with next to them. What they told me widen my eyes. They were right but I didn't know how to approach the situation. The three of them went out giving me space to think and I was grateful for that.

I thought for a while and started walking towards the kitchen where I saw Ethan and Noah indulged in eating chips. Chloe and Riley were making something. I reached them and told "hope the kitchen doesn't burn." Both the ladies turned towards me and glared at me. Before they could say anything, Eth saved me by asking about his dear sister.

"Where's Em?" Eth asked.

"She's having a bath" I said and went and sat next to him.

"Where are the others?" I asked no one in particular.

"Watching something on the television" Chloe answered.

After 10 minutes Mily came down and sat next to Noah. Noah offered Mily a side hug and Mily hugged him.

"How's your stomach ache now?" Eth asked her.

"Better, I took my pain killers" she answered and Eth nodded.

"What are you both doing?" she asked Riley and Chloe.

"Oh! Riley's teaching me how to bake a cake" Chloe answered.

"I hope the kitchen doesn't burn" she muttered but loud enough so that everyone could hear.

"Match made in hell" Chloe mocked looking at me and Alex.

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