Part 54

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I honestly don't even know what month it is in this story so just pretend it's August


Peter was sitting on a bench holding a cloth on his forehead that was still bleeding a little.

There was shield agents and equipment surrounding him and a few other avengers.

Mj walked over to him with a cup of coffee and gave it to him before sitting next to him

"That looks bad" Mj said when Peter pulled away the cloth

"It'll heal" Peter said and took a sip from his coffee.

"Fury is talking to the kid, I don't even know why he's talking to her we already know everything"

Mj didn't answer him she just looked away and sighed.

Natasha then walked over to them

"Her parents are dead, apparently they were killed a couple months ago. Her aunt is still alive though so Shield will send Ivanova to live with her" Natasha explained

"We need to visit Melina, either Ivanova is lying or there's another widow with the same last name as her. Or Melina just went insane"

"I don't know where she is. Fury and the others are trying to find her or Alexei, but for now we should go home" Natasha said and Peter nodded before grabbing Mj's hand and starting to follow Natasha to the garage

"I'll stay behind, you two go home" Natasha said

"Sure" Peter and Mj got in the car and Peter started driving back to the compound.

Once they got back Peter took a shower and cleaned his wounds.

After that he left the bathroom and got into bed next to Mj who was on her phone, but she put it away once Peter got into bed.

"Good night" Peter mumbled

"Good night" Mj replied.

Soon both of them were peacefully asleep until Mj woke up in the middle of the night to get a glass of water.

Once she was done drinking she came back to the bedroom laid back down.

Mj was trying to go back to sleep but Peter started saying something in his sleep and he would twitch and jump every once in a while.

"Peter, Peter wake up it's just a nightmare" Mj said shaking him until he woke up.

He was still half asleep and turned around to face Mj with his eyes still closed

"It's okay" Mj said softly a couple times while stroking his arm

"Marry me" Peter said all of a sudden

"What?" Mj said with a small laugh

"Marry me" Peter repeated and Mj shook her head

"You're dreaming Peter" He didn't say anything after that so Mj assumed he was fully asleep again and went to sleep herself.

The next day Mj woke up alone in the bed and slowly stood up before going to the bathroom to use the toilet.

"Friday where's Peter?" Mj asked

"He's in the living room with Miss Romanoff" Friday replied and Mj thanked her before going to the living room

"Good morning" Peter said as he saw Mj

"We are leaving at 5pm" Natasha said and Peter nodded so she left the room.

It was only him and Mj now.

"You're leaving again?"

"Yeah, they found Melina so we gonna need to go and see what is going on" Peter said and Mj hummed

"Soooo...did you have any weird dreams while you were asleep or any nightmares?" Mj asked all of a sudden and Peter made a face indicating that he's thinking

"Umm, no I don't think so. I mean I do remember asking you to marry me but other than that I don't remember anything" Peter said shrugging his shoulders

"Peter be serious please, Bruce told me to tell him if you still have any nightmares"

"I am being serious. So do you have your answer?" Peter asked and Mj sighed before smiling a little and walking over to him before giving him a kiss on the lips

"I have to go shower, then I have to get my dad from the hospital because he broke his leg and needs someone to drive him back home. I'll see you either later today or tomorrow, or in a few days depending on how long you're gonna be gone"

"Okay, be careful driving" Peter said

"And you be careful on your mission. Don't die please" Mj said and Peter smiled before watching her walk away.

With a sigh Peter finished drinking his coffee and went to his room.

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