
My eyes settle on my surroundings and I realize I am In my room.

My mother is seated besides me on the bed running her hands in my hair.

"How did you know this would happen" I whisper.

She stares at me before shaking her head and wiping the remaining dried tears on her cheeks.

"I used to have a very close friend of mine, her cousin went berserk for her blood after losing his soulmate, I watched her die" she sighs.

My eyes widen In horror.

"I am so sorry mum,this is all my fault" I choke.

"No sweetie, this isn't your fault, he was long attached to you before I warned you" she frowns.

"What is going to happen how?" I ask.

She bows her head crying hard.

"Mother?" I panic.

"Your father has decided to kill him, the people are getting worried, there's nothing we can do Leah..he will stop at nothing to find you"

"No! He is the heir, how can father just do that?" I yell.

I push off the blanket and move to climb off the bed.

"You have been unconscious for twelve hours now" she stops me.

"I cannot watch my brother killed" I scream

"It is your life or his" My mother cries.

"None of us will be dying anytime soon mother, I will leave here, he will never find me I promise and when he had looked for long he will be fine" I deadpan.

"You will not be leaving me" My mother grabs my shoulders.

The door clicks open and Jasmine enters she stands by the corner.

"I think she is right my Queen, she will be fine you know that" Jasmine sighs.

"No, I won't let you go Leah"

"Surely you do not mean that mother,if Nathaniel dies Adam will finally see nothing stopping him from trying to take the kingdom you know more than I how much father has fought to protect it" I say.

My mother goes silent but Jasmine is giving me a look that says he wouldn't do that.

"I trust you will be going with Jasmine?" She finally speaks.

I throw Jasmine a glance and grin. "Shouldn't you be worried the much trouble we would cause if we are together?" I raise my brows.

"I should, I know but I also know you've always wanted to be given the chance to be free and live life…you deny it but you admire humans as much as I do" She laughs.

My eyes lighten up at her words. "You admire them still?"

"Did I say that? That's treason here you know that" my mother chuckles.

"We will both be keeping that secret well My Queen after all we won't be here by sun down" Jasmine laughs.

"Good, I do not want anyone aware of this, there are many who are happy about the outcome of things" She glowers.

"Let me take I guess.." I trail off.

"Do not, worry for yourself now and I and your father will take care of the rest" she says.

My mother clears the maids and guards in sight and gives me a kiss on the head sending me off.

I am dressed in a servant attire as I follow Jasmine to her car at the east wing of the castle.

"Jasmine" a voice stops us in our track.

I stay still and wait as she turns to address the person.

"Ah, Tori" she giggles.

I roll my eyes, of course it is her lover guard…not now at least.

"I was wondering can we…" he trails off.

"Not now, I have some important buisness" She laughs.

"And who's that?"

"A maid, the Queen gave me a maid to assist me and meet my needs"she lies through her teeth.

"That is wonderful, well then, I will leave you to it" he says and turns.

I breathe in, in relief and we eventually get into the car and speed out of the castle.

"You did not tell me you two are now doing things" I smirk.

"Oh please, you know how much I love pretty boys" she laughs.

"Oh I know this isn't just your love for pretty things" I grin.

She throws me a look and finally I realize we are off vampire territory.

"I never thought I would be running from my own brother" I sigh.

"Careful darling, I do not think you are running away from only your brother" she frowns.

"Then who else is there?" I raise my brows.

She shakes her head and pretends to concentrate on the road.

"Leah, maybe you should change your name, all vampires know their princess's name is Leah, to keep you covered" she says.

"Of course, I'll just bear Adlene for now, is that alright?" I ask.

"You seem prepared" she shrugs.

"I am always prepared" I chuckle.

"Next no one must know of our kind so you need to abstain from blood for a while, I will be buying them from the hospital" she adds.

"Yes ma'am" I smirk.

"I am serious Leah, luckily I am established with lots of money we get to stay in a big mansion" she laughs.

"I will be bored".

"What do you suggest then?"

"I want to work amongst humans and at least have little fun, you do it, what's the harm?" I tilt my head watching her drive.

"Difference is I am the boss".

"It doesn't matter, I'm doing it anyways" I shrug.

"You petty bitch" she scoffs.

"Yes dear" I smirk.

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