Pt 1

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"You call that a plan boot?" Tim scoffed with his arms crossed
"It's better than any of your reckless ideas" she rolled her eyes.

It had always been like this, the constant bickering had become comical to their colleagues.

This time they need a plan on how to infiltrate a drug factory, they had gotten a tip from a CI about people making drugs in this abandoned warehouse so grey told them to check it out. The only thing they have agreed on so far is that they need a plan on how to get inside.

They kept getting mad at each other because they always want to do the same thing, Lucy always wants to go undercover and Tim just wants to barge in and hope they have more people then the enemy does.

They decided the best way to figure out who's to use was to make their own then show Angela and ask her which is better.

They're both very competitive so they spent most of the day and some of the night trying to make the better plan.

They somehow both ended up with the same idea to quietly go in and infiltrate they showed Angela and she chose Tim's only because he picked better doors to go through.

"Ha she likes mine better" he teased
"I would save it Tim we still don't know if yours is actually going to work" she says darting back at him.

It was only a tip so they went in having no backup. They did his plan but the bad guys were prepared. They had people at all of the doors so they easily caught the two. They locked them in a basement with a signal jammer so they couldn't call for help.

They knew that they would only be there for an hour or so before they realised tim and lucy werent responding but they figured who ever is running this operation knew that too.

"Some kind of plan that was" Lucy scoffed.

"Um yours would have had the same result, they had men at all of the doors"

"Whatever, we need to find a way to escape before they move us and no one can find us"

"Well we need to get these handcuffs off first"

"Here take the bobby pin out of my hair and use it"

As he reached up she leaned forward and could smell his cologne, it gave her butterflies but she just ignored it and put it in the back of her head with the rest of her little thoughts like that about him.

His hand grazed her hair and he realized how soft it was. "I'm not a dog Bradford, you don't have to pet me" she said half joking.

"You know that's not what I was trying to do," he said, blushing a little.

"I know" she smiled "now hurry up and get us out"

He unlocked his cuffs and threw her the pin. "Seriously. Why did you throw it? Now I can't reach it."

"Hmm sounds like a personal problem" He said shrugging


"Ugg do I have to do everything for you" He chuckled and she rolled her eyes.

They silently left and headed back to the station. They went to Gray's office and explained the situation to him. He said that he'll just have metro deal with it then.

They decided their shift was basically over so they went home. When Tim got to his house he said hi to Kojo then went to watch TV. When he turned it on it was a shampoo commercial, the lady looked similar to Lucy and it made him think of earlier when he touched her hair. He had thought about her before but this time just felt different, he decided maybe he was just tired so he decided to shower and go to bed.

He goes to sleep then wakes up one in the morning and tries to go to sleep. He can't so he goes to the kitchen to get some water.

He doesn't remember the side door being open.

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