"I failed again😞" Pt 2

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They packed up their stuff and Pierson put some shorts on and Brent a shirt on. They put their stuff in a rental car then walked around the beach.

"Hey Brent" Pierson started

"Yea?" Brent responded

He looked up and saw the ice cream place. He looked up at Pierson and sighed.

"Brent pleaseeeeeeee" Pierson begged

"Ok fine" Brent said smiling

"Thank you! You're the best boyfriend ever!" Pierson said hugging him

They got their ice cream and went back to the hotel.

"Brenttttttt" Pierson said


"Can you turn that down?" Pierson asked

"Is it too scary?" Brent teased

"N- well yes just turn the tv down Brent" Pierson admitted

"It's too scary for Pierson" Brent teased as he started laughing

"Brent don't get me mad" Pierson said sitting up

"Oh Pier we have to get dressed we have dinner with the boys today" Brent said also sitting up

"And what made you remember that?" Pierson asked

"Maybe because you have no shirt on right now" Brent said

"Omg Brent" Pierson said covering herself with a blanket

They got dressed and met the boys at the lobby. All of the sudden Lexi, Brent's sister popped up out of no where.

"Lexi what the heck are you doing here?!?!" Brent asked

"Uhm I'm here with my boyfriend what are you doing here?" Lexi asked

"I'm here with Pierson!" Brent yelled

"Wait you two know eachother?!?!" Andrew asked

"Um yeah she's my stupid sister!" Brent yelled

They eventually got to the restaurant and Brent was in a bad mood while they were waiting for their table to be ready.

"Brent stop being mad you're making me sad!" Pierson said putting her head on his shoulder

Brent put his arm around her and kissed her forehead.

"I'm sorry Pier I'm just still trying to figure out why Lexi is here" Brent said

"It's fine" Pierson said hugging him

"Ok Mr. and Mrs. Rivera Ms. Rivera Mr. Davila Mr. Brack And Mr. Hutchins your table is ready" A waiter said coming over to them

Brent and Pierson just looked at each other in shock. They just got mistaken as a married couple.

They got to their table and Brent sat next to Pierson. Pierson was getting tired from that long time of waiting so she had her head on Brent's shoulder. Btw they were in a booth. Brent put his arm around her.

"Someone's tired" Brent teased

"I am and what about it?" She asked

"It's just cute" Brent said as he smiled at her

"Guys stop doing that we don't wanna 3rd wheel today" Lexi said

A waitress came around and took their drink orders.

"I think we'll all get some red wine" Jeremy said looking around at everyone

"Oh wait um actually I don't actually drink that much can I get a mango lemonade?" Pierson asked

"Yeah I'll do the same as her" Brent said

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