Whumpay Day Nineteen: Phantom Pains/Seeking Revenge

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Author's Note: IDEK WHY I WROTE THIS AHHHHHHH but I promise this is one of those mystery type things where everything makes sense, just not rn. I promise Hunter's not nearly as evil as he seems. ;__; I just had some Feelings I wanted to get out somehow ajskdljfalsd Nobody murder me. O.O

This is one of those things I just wanna bury somewhere and never look at again, but I'M the one who decided to post it for Whumpay Lol so...

~ Rivana Rita

He thought it was Hunter who came to him. He thought his long-lost brother was finally coming home. But whatever or whoever he is, he is not Crosshair's brother. Hunter wouldn't hurt him. He wouldn't. So then why...?

He didn't think anything of it when Hunter asked him to come. Should have. Didn't. Crosshair had thought it was weird, but this was Hunter.

When Hunter left, Crosshair knew it wasn't his fault, because he would never do that. He would never hurt them, because he's Hunter. "I'm sorry," is the first thing he says, and Crosshair knows he means it. "For everything I did to you. I know I can't make it right."

"Why should I believe you?" Crosshair hisses at him, anyway.

"My... chip's out, Crosshair," he answers. "I'm me. I know I hurt you, and I'm sorry."

Crosshair believes him. Blindly, because this is Hunter, and why shouldn't he? He looks over at his older brother, noticing for a fleeting, flickering moment that he looks... wrong. Grayed over somehow, but when he blinks and looks again, everything's fine. Maybe it's just the darkness of the night as they sit atop the Marauder together. How Hunter got here, he doesn't ask, either.

"Come with me," Hunter requests, standing and extending his hand to him. "There's something I need to show you."

Crosshair grabs his hand, feeling its softness and its warmth, letting him pull him up and follows. Blindly. (He'll regret it for eternity.)

Hunter's not in his armor, and he looks smaller. There's something on his wrist, though, that reminds him of Tech's. It's different, though.

Crosshair twitches back when a doorway opens midair, back to a medbay on Kamino. It's strange. His heartbeat spikes, but Hunter lightly tugs his arm and moves for the door. Something shifts and ripples when he steps through, but he waits for Crosshair to follow in silence.

He doesn't push.

Crosshair expects him to, and that he doesn't is what makes him follow.

"What is this?" he asks, blinking at the lights. Something's wrong. He doesn't know what, but something. The air is too cold, and the light's too bright in here. Medbays are dark, and actually, when he looks, everything is – gray-washed. It's too blurry.

The doorway closes behind them before Crosshair can second-guess himself out.

"Where are we?"

"Kamino," Hunter answers, "I had to take us back here for this. I'm sorry."

"For what?" Crosshair demands, instantly on edge. Something's wrong. Something's definitely wrong. This is Hunter, and this is Kamino, but how did they get here? Nothing makes sense; they shouldn't be here.

The light flickers, and he freezes, looking up. It – something –

Instincts say they aren't safe here, and they need to move, but he has nowhere to go.

He hears the click of a blaster.

Starts turning, starts moving, but not before Hunter fires, and the stunbolt this him by at least half. It's not direct enough to knock him out, at least not fully, because Crosshair vividly remembers falling. He remembers Hunter catching him and struggling to stay conscious, because he's not going to pass out when he knows he's not safe. Hunter's here, and he shot at them on Kamino.

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