chapter 10 (worry)

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(Present time 1500 B.C.)

Hermes POV

"Welcome to the underworld, tiger." I whisper in her ear.

I love the way her body lightly shivers at the closeness of our bodies and at the feeling of my breath tickling her ear.

I don't mis the quick glint of slight excitement, confusion and fear in her eyes. It's very amusing and interesting how her eyes roam around her to inspect our surroundings in curiosity.

The various expressions she has shown in the past 10 minutes since entering the underworld. Confusion, fear, uncertainty, fascination, curiosity, bewilderment, realization,....

I know she usually tries to hide her emotions and I think that's unfortunate. But sometimes she can't stop them from showing.

In recent days I have seen her show many emotions and feelings, but most of them are negative. It makes me sad that she is not happy here, because as far as I know we have all tried to make her stay here as pleasant as possible.

Well, almost all of us.

But again, she doesn't open up. It stings me a little that she does not feel comfortable to open up, tell us about her feelings or at least feel comfortable to show her emotions without being embarrassed or ashamed.

It makes me wonder about what she would look like if she showed a genuine smile of happiness. It makes me want to give her a reason to show me such smile. And the longer I see her this depressed, the more that desire grows.

It also hurts because I know that the main reasons for her depressing mood are the millions of questions roaming through her mind and the desire to go back to her home.

It hurts because I can't give her those answers. Not because I don't want to but simply because I don't have any answers. And as much as I would deny it, I feel my heart tighten at the thought of her leaving. I don't know why I'm feeling like this but I do. I just can't explain.

And I wouldn't deny it because I don't want to admit to caring for the girl because for some reason I care for her. Perhaps more than I should. I would deny it because I know that would be best. Because I don't know if I'm ready for the unknown. The unknown world she keeps talking about. Things like 'clocks', 'cars', 'phones' and many other strange things. Not to mention these unknown feelings I have when it comes to the girl.

Sure I have had many affairs with many women, but this feels different. A different and unknown territory I am scared to discover.

I have lived for so long but for us gods, everyday is the same. We have our duty to Zeus and our work. It makes sure that balance can remain. And if that balance is ever messed with or disturbed, serious consequences would follow for both humans, gods and any kind of living being wandering this earth.

Besides, Being forbidden to form any kind of long term relationship with humans is one of the main rules Zeus has set in place. (Even though he can't keep it in his pants and is unable to follow his own rules.)

Only few of us dare to go against him. I have failed him a few times before in the past and let me tell you, the consequences weren't pretty.

He stripped me of my godhood and made me live like a normal human for an indefinite period of time. He only gave me my godhood back when he saw fit.

But that's not the worst part, he made me work for some humans a few times. Can you believe that?! Me? Working for humans like I'm below them?!

That's ridiculous!

You should never give any humans any kind of power. They get obsessed with it and get very cocky. That's why I don't like humans. Well it's one of the reasons...

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