Mission Day

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                                                                                       Ben's POV

My day started out fine until the principle had to speak on the intercom

Benjamin Ripley please report to the main office - you have lovers *OWWWW MY ARM LET GO LET GO LET GO* I mean visitors.

Everyone burst out laughing - nothing was better than hearing the principle getting humiliated publicly - though no one knows who did it. Professor Crandall, or should I say an old dummy, called me out. Berica Ripley, you can head up now. Now everyone was laughing at me.

This is not funny, I was thinking, before the intercom turned on again, though this time I was sure it was a mistake. Moaning sounds began to echo across the school. We could all instantly tell that it was the principle. After hearing a few rounds of "I could eat those tits all day" and "Oh why it so juicy" I just had to run up.

I quickly grabbed my phone and set it to video. I sprinted up to the office as fast as I could, with all my classmates cheering me on. Just think of all the money I could make off this, Ben thought, I could be rich!

Just as I ran into the office, I realized that it was just a recording (of what I don't want to know) going into the intercom, and the only people in the room were the principle, Catherine Hale, and Erica.

The minute Erica saw me barge into the room with my phone recording, she sighed. Wow Ben, she said, I can't believe you would want to see that.

Behind her, Catherine mouthed to me that it was her idea, though Erica didn't seem to notice.

Ben, Erica continued, ignorant to her mother's secret communication, it's time for you to go on a mission. You need to head to Las Vegas with -

Dear, you're gonna bored everyone to sleep, Catherine interrupted. Why not we just

Suddenly, the principle jumped up with a gun and pointed it at us. Give me the files, he said evilly. Catherine seemingly complied, but when she got near him, she flashed him

With her sedation dart (ha, you thought) and quickly seduced I mean subdued him.

It seems that the principle was a mole, Catherine said calmly, let's head out elsewhere

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